Simple Way to Get Rich - Reinvesting Your Earnings

in #makingmoney6 years ago

Warren Buffett provides inspiration on how to get rich by reinvesting your profits. Together with his partner at that time, the magnate bought four more pinball machines and installed them in a barbershop using money earned from the first machine they had installed as their first investment.

Buffets story is not different from most other people who get rich whether in businesses or in their respective professions because they all pumped back their earnings into their 'money-maker' so as to achieve growth.

What are some of the reasons why reinvesting your earnings is the simple way to get rich?

Increased efficiency increases earnings
One way of cutting costs in business is by increasing efficiency. Elimination of redundancies not only reduces expenditure, but it also increases output or quality depending on the strategy at hand. This can be done through the acquisition of better tools, equipment or service providers.
Sustainability comes from knowledge
For the professionals, and also business persons, reinvesting in education is key to ensuring sustainability and to increase competence. Knowledge about your investment not only prepares you how to handle growth but it also prepares you on how to deal with emerging challenges. The process of becoming wealthy depend on how well you respond to both to ensure there is the continuous flow of earnings in the long-term.
Reinvesting frees up your time
Time is money. Earnings are profits, this shows that the investments are paying off. By reinvesting into the business, you are increasing the amount of input, and hence the output will correspond to the input. This means that if you invested $100 and it earned you $100 in profit in one week, reinvesting the profit will give you an investment of $200 and the earnings for the subsequent week will be $200. You would have reduced the time it took you to earn the extra $100 by at least a half. A repeat of the same will result in more money made in less period's hence more free time to pursue other ventures.

Financial freedom
The most common ways of raising capital are debt financing or equity financing. These two come with their own disadvantages including loss of stakes in the case of equity funding and interest paid in the event of debt financing. Consequently, these sources of financing may strip away your independence in running the investment, and the risk of defaulting in the case of debt financing may add undue pressure that may affect our health or business. Reinvesting your earnings ensures that you remain financially independent and debt free, hence raising your investments financial health and hence a boost in your journey towards getting rich.
Reinvestment of your earnings provides you with a guaranteed path towards getting rich because it ensures that you build on your capital and your commitment to your investment.

Chris Bouchard is a strategic consultant who works with non-profit leaders and social entrepreneurs to apply concepts and techniques to identify complex strategic issues, find practical solutions, and devise strategies to create and win a unique strategic position. He also offers project development, proposal writing, and project evaluation services.

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