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RE: Information Finding Championship - Season 1 : Round 12 entry

Wowzer, would you Leyescan.gifK at that...
That is flat out AMAZING!!!

  • The mini-origami...

I'm a water plant operator, so can relate to your concern about water.

  • I know this town that had reached the capacity of their plant.
    • Come to find out, the real problem was they did not charge per gallon of water used. They charged everyone the same amount regardless of amount used.
    • They finally instituted charges per 1000 gallon and voila,
      their usage dropped by over half.
      • Come to find out, people weren't responsibly using the water when they weren't charged accordingly. For example, they wold wash their car and leave the hose running into the ditch.
      • Forcing people to take responsibility for their actions prevented having to spend $1 million for a new water plant.

@wizardave - I think you would have some really good insights for round 12 of IFC (if you haven't already). I knew some engineers that worked of desalination plants but poor management and planning by the government just resulted in a lot of plants decommissioned without ever been used. Thanks for the kind comments about the origami, I am happy with being able to do a lot with very little, in keeping with my philosophy about Steemit in general :)

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