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RE: IFC S1 R36 Tiebreaker Entry - Looking through the same lens with a different perspective

Nice Job plushzilla, I think you hit on the reality of the moment by trying to put yourself in my shoes at the time of the photo.your perception was quite good and more than I would expect from the average person. Under those shooting circumstances I would try to become super aware of all elements of the earth and sky around me. To take it all in and analyze for effect while watching the sky move with the light changing . Sizing up the subject quickly as the clock runs out. Thank you for all your efforts on a great entry!


To be in the moment and still aware of things that are happening around you - that's a skill I would love to be able to master! I am ever grateful that @apolymask has brought your work to our attention, and it is a generous gesture to donate your work for the round :)

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