Maker Meeting Notes September 3rd 27th 2017steemCreated with Sketch.

in #makerdao7 years ago

Recorded Developer Updates

Audio Link

Thank you all for joining the weekly meeting. We have 25 participants on the call today.

Agenda items should be posted to or in #meeting-agenda on Rocket Chat

Upon conclusion of the formal portion of the meeting, further topics will be discussed and debated.

Maker Core:

  • Governance
    • Prism (DRI: Ryepdx)
    • DSChief (DRI: nikolai)
      • Test UI built out
      • DSChief in scope for Sept 2017 audit
    • Token redeploy and auxiliary deployments (redeemer, burner, chief-auth, weth, etc)
      • Current MKR token can be optimized substantially.
      • Ready to deploy, but an alternate bytecode implementation might delay implementation somewhat.
      • Blocker for SAI2
  • Sai - Simplecoin (DRI: Rain)
    • Completed specification for SAI in linear logic (toward formal verification of business logic)
    • Feed deployment manual
    • Audits
      • Starts Sept 11th
        • Will analyze the bytecode (without considering the source code)
  • Dai
    • no update
  • Keepers (DRI: reverendus)
    • no update


  • Oasis (DRI: Geronimo):
    • Frontend:
      • Removed USD Value in the buy/sell modal, because it was more confusing than helping.
      • peculiarity: Collaborating with Nik and testing Matcher version of Oasis. Fixed couple of bugs.
    • General:
      • Nik: I spent most of the week testing the Matcher/SAI Oasis contract to get it ready for release. Since you agreed that the "Order History" is a minor UI bug, we're done with testing and ready to release to mainnet at any time. Continuing with SAI contract tests next week.
      • Aiming for Monday deployment of upgrade
  • Rio
    • no update
  • Marketing: (DRI: Matt)
    • Rune will post a blog entry to announce general SAI availability for trading on oasisdex; Ready to get MKR trading on exchanges
  • Business Development (DRI: Rune)
    • Exchanges:
      • Binance community vote
      • Public announcement of MKR going on exchanges
  • China (DRI: Rune)
    • Video and website translations almost done -- Probably will be ready for SAI2/MKR marketing push

General Topics:

Topics discussed here are not binding and should not be taken out of context of an open discussion. More is said during the general topics than what can be faithfully transcribed into written text

  • Exchange MKR sale incentive

Audio Link


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 67975.29
ETH 3240.67
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.66