Maker Meeting Notes 2017 June 4th

in #makerdao7 years ago (edited)

Formal Governance

Audio Link

Thank you all for joining the weekly meeting. We have 19 participants on the call today.

This part of the meeting will be recorded and will serve as the formal record of the community consensus. Agenda items should be posted to or in #meeting-agenda on Rocket Chat

Upon conclusion of the formal portion of the meeting, further topics will be discussed and debated.

On Record:

Dev Update:

Maker Core (DRI: rain/mbrock/dbrock):

  • Sai - Simplecoin (DRI: Rain)
    • Updates on CLI and work on documentation
    • Explorer updated with UI fixes
    • Fees have been implemented (needs a redeploy)
      • Last major work item
      • Can test price feedback loops
    • Still needs to optimize for gas limit
    • LPC (liquidity providing contract)
      • Live, but requirements are unclear
      • Oasis is an option
  • Maker Model : (DRI: mbrock):
  • Keepers (DRI: reverendus)
    • Polychain will be a keeper
      • Bringing on a full time employee

Oasis (DRI: Geronimo):

  • Frontend:
    • Georgi is working on frontend changes for order matching
    • Geronimo is almost finished with designing the new frontend.

Video (DRI: kenny):

  • Done

Marketing (DRI: Matt)

  • .eth domain registries
    • Oasisdex
    • Makerdai
    • stablemoney
  • New website development

Foundation Update:

MKR Sale update (DRI: rune + zandy):

  • Rune sold 302.8 MKR for 350 ETH

General Topics:

Topics discussed here are not binding and should not be taken out of context of an open discussion. More is said during the general topics than what can be faithfully transcribed into written text

  • Sai test round
    • Collect all participating May invoices and assess final USD requirements
      • Add addresses to whitelist (needed for LPC)
    • Create cup at XXX collateralization (suggest 300%)
    • Issues Sai to invoice holders
    • Transfer enough ETH to LPC to cover Sai redemptions
      • Possibly deploy Sai to oasis
    • Allow participants experiment with Sai as desired, then cage on June 25th

Audio Link



Any updates on Sai oracle design? I haven't been able to find much information.

Thanks for the awesome work, didn't know Maker team members were on steem.

we all love steem :)

Here are some detail about Sai oracles:

Price data comes from trusted devs who get the data from multiple market API's. Price feeds are sent to a contract called medianizer that will take the median (or the average of two medians if the number of price feeds is even) of the inputs. The price is updated when the last price changes 1% or more.

Interesting, really looking forward to seeing the evolution into the Dai.

What are some other team members accounts? I want to be sure I am following all you guys!

@nikolai is probably the one you want to follow

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 63099.80
ETH 2455.59
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.58