Maker Meeting Notes 2017 April 2nd

in #makerdao7 years ago

Formal Governance

Audio Link

Thank you all for joining the weekly meeting. We have 11 participants on the call today.

This part of the meeting will be recorded and will serve as the formal record of the community consensus. Agenda items should be posted to or in #meeting-agenda on Rocket Chat

Upon conclusion of the formal portion of the meeting, further topics will be discussed and debated.

On Record:

Dev Update:

Maker Core (DRI: rain/mbrock/dbrock):

  • No update

Oasis (DRI: Geronimo):

  • Market contract got redeployed with three changes:
    • Extended lifetime to 1 year
    • Multisig can now close the market if necessary
    • Anyone can “bump” an old order to make sure frontends notice it
  • UI/UX
    • Changed deposit/withdraw to wrap/unwrap
    • Minor bugfix on the chart
    • Updates on how data was being inserted to help with freezing

Maker Model (DRI: mbrock ):

  • Incorporated feedback from DappHub’s purple paper readings
  • To aid verification and testing, began to identify falsifiable claims that specify behavior of all data and external functions
  • Figured out how to model “vow” component; implementation underway

Simple Stable Coin (DRI: Nikolai):

  • major upgrades:
    • Sai contracts feature-complete, kovan testnet GUI coming soon
    • Remaining work is math edge cases and aggressive user testing
    • Tentative announce date, april 15 (meaning launched and operational at least several days prior)

Video (DRI: kenny):

  • POW will finish work to conclude original agreement
  • However further work will be needed to update a some terms
    • This work will be out of scope and will need to be negotiated

Foundation Update: (DRI: rune)

MKR Sale update (DRI: rune + zandy):

General Topics:

Topics discussed here are not binding and should not be taken out of context of an open discussion. More is said during the general topics than what can be faithfully transcribed into written text

Call for March invoices

Audio Link


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63578.99
ETH 2611.82
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.85