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RE: MakerDAO Conflict of Interest

in #maker5 years ago (edited)

The 10 accounts are basically the ones making all the voting decisions.
There are a lot more than that with small stake like me.
Kinda like saying Steem is 27 whales and whatnot. (centralized)

Honestly, I am sort of doubling down... but not on Maker.
It's the information that Maker provides that is useful.

That much money willing to pay 20% as opposed to the 0.5% they were paying a few months ago is very telling. The market is whispering that a summer bull run is imminent, in multiple ways.

I'm actually hoping that Bitcoin will crash to $4200 soon.
A bounce off that support line could easily create enough momentum to bust through the 6k resistance and start a summer round of FOMO.


I would like some more prices that we saw back in the winter season recently. I grabbed up a bunch of coins but now that the price is back up a bit I’m not doing anything. Too high for my taste.

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STEEM 0.27
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JST 0.030
BTC 69828.11
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USDT 1.00
SBD 3.55