Pig-breeding Make money (Original) 养猪3年赚300万

in #makemoney8 years ago

The day before yesterday my brother-in-law nephew married, the wedding is very special, held in the home banquet, but also to go to Xinyu City, 5 years ago and parents in the suburbs of Xinyu rented a Pig farm, and now 200-300 pigs per month to slaughter, to participate in the wedding back, the car trunk are filled with pork,They made 3 million in the past three years.
前天我姐夫侄子结婚,婚礼很特别,在家里举办酒席,还要去新余市再办一次,开车把家里亲朋好友都邀请去,5年前大学毕业后,和父母在新余市郊区租了一个养猪场,现在每个月出栏200-300多头猪,去参加婚礼回来的,车后备箱都装着猪肉 ,现在新余定居安了家,养猪这几年发了财

In recent years, many large farms have made money, national policy support, government subsidies, low feed prices, pork prices this year has been rising, and very stable, ordinary pork to 15 yuan per pound, slaughter a hog 200 Jin weight, net profit of more than 300 yuan one pig

I have been concerned about China's stock market, the breeding plate of several stocks,Many listed companies made money last year.
我一直关注中国的股市,养殖板块的几只股票,前年帮我赚钱的一支票新五丰,湖南的一家养殖企业,去年赚的也不错, 中国最大的养猪企业,温氏股份,还有许多养殖业股价一直都很稳定, 年前炒作网易猪肉,网易CEO丁磊的猪炒到一头10万元, 不是猪疯了,都是人疯了

if the early investment of the pig, and now have become a gold pig!



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