Someone and Something that #Makemesmile

in #makemesmile6 years ago (edited)

I tell myself that I must try to join @elizacheng's #makemesmile contest as much as I can because it makes me remember things that make me happy. If you want to join too, check out her post. Come and join in the fun!

我告诉过自己,无论多忙,都得努力参加@elizacheng 的#makemesmile 抽奖大赛。因为它鼓励我将让我快乐的小小东西记录下来。你也不妨试试参与一份,很有意义!

Image Source: Pexels

The Something.... 有一样东西。。。

For those who really know me for longer time, you would know that ICE-CREAM is a serious business for me and it is an IMPORTANT part of my life. Hehe.


I once saw a saying on a t-shirt which goes:

Money may not buy happiness, but it can buy ice-cream, and it is the same!


You bet how much this actually resonates with me. 😜


On Wednesday, I was about to pay my phone bill online when I saw they had offer for Baskin Robbins ice cream to get a double junior scoop. Of course, I didn't hesitate at all as there is one outlet on my way back at a petrol station.

就在刚过去的周三,我正要缴交电话单时,看到了Baskin Robbins 冰淇淋连锁店有顾客的优惠,我当然事不宜迟,就在回家途中光顾了一下,还买了我最爱的两种口味。

I ordered a scoop of my favourite Strawberry Cheesecake and another scoop of my another favorite Mint Chocolate Chip. 我点了一勺我最喜欢的草莓芝士蛋糕和另一款我最喜欢的薄荷巧克力片口味。这两个口味都足一让我笑得合不拢嘴。

As I was savoring my ice cream little by little, I had some time to create a post that day. More often than not, I have to only post and write after my son is asleep, which is after midnight. Sometimes it makes me harder to sleep after that because I reactivate my brain with thinking so if I can do writing before sleeping time, it would be really great and I got to do it that day!!!!

在我慢慢品尝的同时,我就趁那个时间写帖,那天一下就搞定了。平时的我,都得等到午夜后才能在宁静的时候开始想要post什么,或完成每次写到一半就被扰乱的思绪。老实说,我宁愿睡前不写,免得脑子变得过度灵活。 所以啊,当我能在回家前就完成我的每日一帖,我是相当开心的哦!

The Someone.... 有一个人。。。


So I came home that very same night to a little boy who is very dear to me, my son. His daddy had to go out to meet someone and since I have posted before I went home, I was extra relaxed. I took out a new toy for @littledrummerboy (his account which yet to post anything 😜) and we started playing. He called this new toy Helicopter because it has propeller on top like a helicopter. I demonstrated to him how to play, and he said, "Levi turn". So I happily handed it over. After he tried playing for a while, he told me, "Mummy, U-turn!" I thought he really meant U-turn so I did a U-turn on the spot. Hahaha later I found out he meant, "Your turn". Till today, whenever he said "u-turn", it would make me smile. Levi's speaking has always put a smile on me, because I am constantly shocked at how many words he knows and can speak.


The other day he was telling me about the tennis racquet. I was like where did he learn about the tennis racquet. It surprised his daddy too. Just weeks ago, he recited January till December, Sunday to Saturday. This morning, he was doing his counting backwards from 20 to 0 right after he woke up! Everyday he makes us do counting with him from 1 to 50, if he isn't too determined, if not it is until 100! Last night, he astounded us when he said "please" to his daddy to take something and then he said thank you by himself. We don't keep reminding him because we wanted it to come out from him naturally by us saying it to him. So if you meet him and he doesn't thank you, I won't force or insist that he says it too yeah! It is just the way we parent him, wanting to let him to choose by himself if it is not a deadly choice, Hehe.

有一天, 我们想试探两岁的他对球类的认识,他竟然说出了网球拍的英文字眼。我就想他到底是在哪学的。就在几周前,他吟诵了一月至十二月,周日至周六的英文字眼。今天早上,他醒来后,就开始从20倒数到0!他每天都会要我们跟他一起数1到50。如果他更坚持,那就是得数到100!昨晚,当他想要他老爸为他拿东西,他自己说“拜托”,然后他再自己说谢谢你,让我们吃惊。我们不想一直提醒他,因为我们希望他能自然地发挥。所以,如果你遇到他,他不向你说谢谢,请见谅,我不会强迫或坚持要他说,因为我们相信他会说如果他愿意说!这只是我们个人的教导的方式,如果不是致命的选择,我们希望让他自己选择,呵呵。


This is not meant to brag about how smart Levi is or not, I think it is just so happened he found what he likes to learn about. He isn't that physical in climbing like the other boys but he loves his learning. What I really enjoy from Levi is the things he speaks, in his most childlike and still learning phase. It is like always finding surprises when he says something new and things I didn't know he knows.

这没有想要炫耀的目的,只不过是我很享受小儿可爱无邪的童言童语。小儿虽然好像不怎么爱爬上爬下,但他对学习似乎是充满好奇憧憬的。他经常会问:这是什么?过后,他好像就会牢记于心。 有时,从他口中说出的话,会不停给我们俩带出意外的惊喜。

Hope what makes me smile today can also brighten up your day! 希望让我快乐的两样东西个人物也让你读了过后心情愉快。





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@happycrazycon 喔,我也很喜欢吃冰淇淋,不管什么口味都行 XD

你的宝贝很棒,会自己说“谢谢你” - 证明你们夫妻俩教导有方!

原来是同道中人,@wilhb81! 不好说教导有方,有时也会失误。谢谢你,经常前来捧我的场!:)

Cute daooooo..... I would feed him with french fries and he'll say thank you and please everytime :D Hahaha, not only smiling, laughing la.

Aiyo he will love you lots, cos you know how to "fish" his heart. Hahaha!

French fries... 🍟
Yup! I remember @happycrazycon said Levi loves French fries! You really is a natural baby sitter...

Haha yeah lo @elizacheng. If only his favorite food is something more healthy 😰

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Levi definitely makes me smile...all the time. He is so smart and funny too!

Haha thanks Levi 's ah hmm for always loving Levi too.

Awwww! U-turn.... Cute! This is also a ProudMommyMoment! ❤️💖💗💕😘

Thank you so much for the tip @elizacheng. Haha he is still saying U-turn until now.

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