Two-Ingredient HEALTHY CHOCOLATE DIP || Original Recipe, Sugar-Free, Vegan

A smooth and sticky sugar-free dip to accompany those yummy sugar-free Banana & Clementine Cinnamon Sticks I made last weekend.  

Tastes amazing, is quick and easy to prepare, and the best thing is it's completely natural and nutritious!

Since there's no harmful ingredients in either of these things, they can be enjoyed by the whole family.  It's even thumbs up for the toddlers... hooray!  After all, chocolaty treats don't have to be bad for us... thank God.

This would also make wonderful chocolate spread, rather than using Nutella (which is marketed as being healthy with its hazelnut and milk content, but it's a lie!!!)  So please don't eat these commercial jars of rubbish, but home-make it instead... your children and your own body will thank you one day I guarantee it.

Ingredients (organic recommended):

dates (pitted)

raw cacao powder


I didn't measure quantities myself, and it's not necessary.  Grab a couple handfuls of pitted dates, and chop them up as fine as you can (or use a food-processor if you can be bothered to de-sticky it afterwards!)

Put the chopped dates into a saucepan and add enough boiling water to cover them.  Heat on low and stir continually... it will start to thicken quite quickly as the dates melt into the water and becomes syrupy. (In all my cooking/baking I use rainwater which I collect and filter, instead of using tap-water with all its chemical contaminants).

Use a hand-blender to make into a smooth puree.

Stir in cacao powder to taste... a few spoonfuls should suffice... just stir and taste and repeat until you're happy!

You could even jar them up and treat your family and friends too, or for a children's sleep-over... whatever!

If you have any healthy suggestions or recipes that would make great snacks, please tag your post with  #makeithealthy and they will feature in the new curation series "Make It Healthy LUNCHBOX".  Let's get our children eating healthy NOW so they don't have to learn how to heal later on in life!

For all kinds of health information, tips, recipes (vegan), crafts, photography, and more, please follow me!

To find out what the "Make It Healthy Project" is all about, and how you can be involved in growing this project, please click here.


TAG Your HEALTHY POSTS with  #makeithealthy!


howdy there @woman-onthe-wing! you are a GENIUS! this is amazing, 2 ingredients are you kidding me? haha! and healthy. What if we don't have one of those electric hand blenders?

thank you so much, you're the best! God bless you guys over there!

Thanks very much @janton... why use more ingredients that are necessary is my thinking! You can use any kind of blender or food processor, anything that purees, it doesn't have to be a hand blender. I just find that easier to clean than taking apart a blender and trying to clean sticky things like dates off! But you could soak it so it's not really a problem :-)

howdy today @woman-onthe-wing! yes that's good to know about using a regular blender, thank you. any luck in finding a new place?

That looks delicious

This looks really good! I really need to use dates more. I love to eat them though! haha

Yes dates are great just on their own as a sweet snack as well as being a very versatile baking ingredient! Thanks @mrchef111 :-)

You are welcome! I just wish dates were a little cheaper. They are fairly expensive to buy here in where I live. haha

As if those sticks weren't good enough on their own, you go ahead and make this delicious sauce!! Yum!

Thanks Katie! They were the perfect pair and I will definitely be making both of them again!

Wow, so simple and so yummy looking. And those cinnamon sticks look like churros- yummm 😋

Thank you, I try to keep things simple so people are more likely to try these recipes out! :-)

I've just been reading a few of your recipes and my mouth is watering :-) Looks all so yum!

Thank you @isapisa! Gotta make them yum to tempt the little 'uns! :-)

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