Get paid to sell wine online

in #make4 years ago

How hard or easy is it to make money by selling wine online?
Maybe's affiliate program is a good answer to this question.
Personally, not only do I like drinking wine, and preferably accompany it with good food, but I also love to share tips of advice on how other people can enhance the joy they receive when they consume a fine bottle of wine.
In fact, in my days as a student in Tourism Management school, I had the opportunity to promote a local wine brand in supermarkets and get paid commission on sales achieved.
I liked this so much that I wish I could keep on doing it for a living!
However, it is never late for anything you really want to do in life. I discovered that, in affiliation with monetized links provider, offers the chance to wine enthusiasts to share their expertise on the web, sell wine, and make money.
If you can give great wine pairing advice on any type of food, or any other wine-specific information, it would be a great idea to give it a go and try to make money by selling wine online, through your wine-related content. All you have to do is link out to relevant products from Viglink will provide the linking platform.
Sell wine online by sharing wine-related links on social media
Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest and the rest of the online social media family of sites may offer a genuine opportunity to wine lovers who wish to take advantage of it and get paid to share their wine expertise.
If you post wine-related updates and participate in discussion around wine online on a regular basis, then sending useful affiliate links to your followers will be a natural process and they will appreciate it.
Surely, some expert advice will be welcome, as most amateur wine enthusiasts will find hard to discover the optimum wine pairing for a specific dish. There is a galore of great wine choices, so wine lovers will feel spoilt for choice!
So there you are. Next time you open a bottle of wine to accompany your menu, and you find that this specific wine pairs perfectly with what you eat, don't waste your time and just send this tip of advice, i.e. the name of the dish and the bottle label to your online social media wine community.
Who knows, you might be lucky enough to become the next Robert Parker, offering tips of advice about wine online, as this is very similar to how he started his prolific career as a wine critic.

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