What is the point of working hard to make money? Pursuit of material things? For life? for what?

in #makelast year

I was stunned for a long time looking at the topic, and then I kept thinking, deliberating, and found that once a person enters the society, he really doesn't have much other serious things to do besides making money.

Even if there is a romanticism in my heart, I think that is what I want in my life, but when I dig down to the root, the pure dream has to be piled up with stinky money...

It's as if spring is here, the peach blossoms are so beautiful, every day some people focus on taking photos of the flowers, but no one notices that the flowers under the tree are made of dung.

For the flowers that bloom in life, money is like dung buried in the soil. Stinky, essential.

Noble people say that they regard money as dung, but realistic people have already seen through that money itself is dung.

From this point of view, our life of working hard to make money is a life of eating shit. Zi said that making money is like eating shit, and spending money is like running out of money, sincerity is not to be deceived.

People often say that working hard to make money is for freedom. What I have seen is mostly the opposite. The richer you are, the less free you are.

Or to describe more precisely, the relationship between the amount of money in hand and the degree of freedom is not a normal distribution.

Draw a coordinate axis, the abscissa is money, and the ordinate is the degree of freedom, then this curve is similar to a parabola.

In the beginning, 0 money and 0 freedom. In the middle term, the degree of freedom increases when the money becomes more and more people. After reaching the peak, the more money, the less freedom, and the curve starts to go down.

The process of freedom of life with the increase of money is the process of making money for oneself. The more money, the more arbitrary the choice of life.

After reaching the peak, bad, people have to start making money for others, maybe they have to support a family, or maintain the operation of a company, or even become a rich man if they are lucky, and your money or business has to shoulder the important task of revitalizing the country.

Until the end, there is so much money, so many eyes of the whole world are staring at you, everyone knows you, and this has reached a zero state where the money is endless and there is almost no freedom.

So we see a lot of social celebrities, the more money they make, the more fake they become. I can understand it. Everyone around them is a monitor, and they have to behave well to be successful.

The office went into a rage and smashed things, and the media came to do an exclusive interview a second later, and turned into an elder who loved the world with a touch of face. It's really a crime to make money.

And in some places in the world, making enough money is enough to buy a president to have a good time, but this cannot be done in our country. The proletariat in our country is the father of the bourgeoisie. If you make money and float, you have to be educated by the iron fist of the proletariat.

So, after thinking about it, as ordinary people, why do we work hard to make money?

Oh, it seems to be to make others trust me more.

If I am penniless and a friend is in trouble, I say you are so pitiful, if I am not too poor, I will pull you up.

If I have a small family and a friend is in trouble, I will send him 1800 on WeChat and spend it first, so don’t be hungry.

It seems that the latter is more convincing. I really regard him as a friend.

Working hard to make money is an act, and the positive result of this act is that you can use another act: spending money to quantify and prove the weight of who and what in this world is in your heart.

It is impossible for rich people to spread money evenly all over the world like pepper noodles. The relationship between distant and close relatives is very clear. Who will be able to perceive my kindness, and will be more willing to trust me.

I often hear that the furthest distance in the world is between people's hearts. In a way, it is true that money can shorten that distance.

You see, the property of some rich people can be found on the list, and there are still a lot of rich people who are scolded. If there is an extreme situation, a rich man announced today that he will donate hundreds of billions of personal assets to the society Do not stay.

As long as he really did it, the scolding would instantly stop.

This is the trust that comes with working hard to make money.

So it's funny to say that a person spends a lot of money in survival and life, and the money beyond this line is often used to prove himself to the world.

Making money is a process of grabbing material resources from all things in the universe; after earning enough money, it is a process of expressing one's heart to the people of the world.

This confession process spreads from near to far.

You earn 2 million, and your family and friends closest to you benefit, and they trust you.

If you earn 20 billion, strangers will benefit, and they trust you.

You earn 200 billion, and even your former enemies will receive benefits and choose to forgive you.

Therefore, we always feel that those who have a lot of money are mostly not good people.

There are people with lots and lots of money trying to prove that they're really good people.

This is one of the meanings of working hard to make money, and actually making money.

From a higher dimension, this is another process of going round and round and returning everything to zero. What is the picture?

——so the confusion of mankind is destined to be eternal.


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