Magick of the GOBC- Knight hand out- Spirits- Introduction to the Loa- Simbi

in #magick6 years ago


Simbi is the mystical undercurrent of everything. He is in all things and powers everything. He is the serpent eating his own tail. This Loa is Magick, he is not a magical snake, he is Magick itself in the form of a serpent. He also is not the practice of any spirituality, he is the underlying force. He is not the deity you pray to; he is the energy of the prayer. There are thousands of practices that are in the realm of the occult. Kabala, Enochian, the Goetia, witchcraft, herbalism, and voodoo itself are nothing more than ways to harness and utilize the energy that is Simbi. Also the insight behind all psychic abilities and divination techniques such as Tarot, I Ching, or the throwing of Cowry Shells is also his influence. He truly is the power behind all existence.


The first time I met Simbi he told me that there was only one serpent. In the voodoo tradition there are several, like Damballah, Aieda, Simbi, or Dan Petro. There are also several kinds of each of these depending on what nation they belong to, like Rada Simbi, Simbi La Flambeau, Simbi Makaya, or Simbi Andezo. So what did he mean by saying that there is only one serpent? I guess that truly, I do not know. I think it might have to do with the first paragraph of this essay. Simbi, or the serpent, is all things, or at least the energy behind it.


In India the serpent is an important symbol. Both Vishnu, the sustainer, and Shiva, the destroyer are pictured with snakes, usually cobras. These two, are to many the most important gods in Hinduism. Also in Tantric Yoga, the energy that you awaken in your body that connects to the divine is called Kundalini, it also is a snake. Throughout the world the snake symbolizes many mystical ideas. Even in Christianity, the serpent is the creature that for traditional Christians tempted man. For the more magickally minded Christian the serpent was a great teacher. Even in modern symbolism two serpents intertwine in the representation of medicine. In any case the symbol of the snake is intrinsically linked to knowledge, especially of an occult or hidden kind.


It is through Simbi that the magician finds a connection to the underlining wholeness that is reality. Beyond that, it is by finding the Simbi within that we unite ourselves with the divine unity within. His quiet wisdom speaks to all of us.



Both the image of the flaming heart of Christ and the 3 kings have been attributed to him. Simbi is the energy of Christ in the world raising our consciousness to higher and higher levels. He is certainly the bearer of magickal gifts for each of us. The 3 kings signify initiation to me. Simbi is a psychopomp and the 3 gifts brought by the three kings, or Magi, are all used in Egyptian death rituals. Gold was the preferred ornament for the dead pharaoh, and both Frankincense and Myrrh are used in preparation during mummification. So Simbi, like the 3 kings prepares you for a new journey in your soul.




Colors- any, though I have found it depends on which Simbi

Symbols- snakes (usually venomous), rattles, the caduceus, sweet potatoes, bananas, plantains, lemons, trees, water, rainstorm, electrical storm, any magical tool, flaming heart of Christ image, 3 kings.

How to identify this Loa-
Simbi is quiet and usually keeps himself to the edge of the sacred space. He seldom announces himself. Many times he speaks privately to those who await his wisdom. Much of the time when he is speaking, he also will shake a rattle, especially the Petro Simbis. Whenever he speaks it is covered in S sounds and hissing. It is obvious he is a snake. When he especially likes someone he may also lick them. It is not unknown for the Petro Simbis to bite.


More often than not Simbi is cryptic in everything he says. He almost never gives a straight forward message. To top all of that off, everything he says can be taken several different ways. He is a tricky, split tongued and mysterious friend.


He is a friend though and is extremely helpful. He can be harsh on occasion but it is also designed to teach. It is hard to hear the serpent in the mists beyond time and space, but if you listen hard, and pay attention, everything that there is to know, is just within your grasp thanks to this wonderful venomous serpent.




This is fascinating. though i always thought of kundalini as the serpent.

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