My first ever Chelseanacht, or how Jerusalem cops got infected by the LS. (Recovery from my former account)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #magick7 years ago

This is another recovery from my former account that whose password I have lost due to a computer crash... Just want all my tales to be in the same place. :)

So this story begins, like all good stories, before the actual story itself.

Last week i had discovered that Chelseanacht thing, and decided to find out more info about it, and participate.
Around this time i had also found out about this LS-NCB thing(LS Nuclear Chaos Bomb), and started to experiment with that a bit, so one lazy afternoon at work (i work in a climbing gym), i had drawn the symbols of the sigil separately, so i can rearrange them in a way that i will find more pleasing to my own eyes, and while doing so, all of a sudden, this lazy afternoon became a total mess as shitloads of customers arrived and demanded my immediate attention. It was a complete mess but still under control. The sigil wasn't complete yet.
On sunday, one day before Chelseanacht, i got up early for no reason, and felt my entire body shaking and pumping energy. I knew somehow that it was the Chelseanacht current, and i went to work really energetic, my fast ride servitor was working like crazy, and i got there real fast.
So i begin my working day and everything is good and fine and i'm highly energetic and feeling like i'm on MDMA, using very effectively the financial success sigil someone had posted once, making my boss very rich.

success sigil.jpg

I sat down to eat my dinner, very happy and proud, and while eating i thought i should complete my version of the LS-NCB, i needed it for my Chelseanacht mission. So i'm trying to do so and in the middle of the process, and in the middle of my dinner, people came running to me telling me someone broke her leg. An open fracture. You could fucking see the fucking bone.

So after all the madness had cooled down, i finished my shift and made my way to Jerusalem, to stay at friends' place all night preparing for the ritual, and early in the morning leave to place the nodes on some holy places. There was no buses, the fucking middle of the night, but my dear Velocia, my fast ride servitor, helped me getting there by hitchhiking and a shared taxi that was really cheap. The Chelseanacht current was good to Velocia.

^^ My dear Velocia

So i arrived at Jerusalem really quick and got to my friends' place at like 1:30 am and start working. My friends were both asleep, and I started looking at the map of the old city of Jerusalem to find out the how to place the nodes in the most proper LS, with the western wall as the dot, and after a some thinking - i did it. I visualized deeply going to this places and placing the nodes, and then published this picture in the DKMU facebook group.
I finished this and put 2 acid blotters on my tounge, a total of 440 micrograms, exactly at 4:04 am, sent a picture to a fellow marauder saying "and so begins the Chelsenacht journey....." and went on to take a shower.

LS Jerusalem.jpg

Got out of shower, starting to trip a bit, wanna chill and brush my hair and then work on some sigils and again the LS-NCB that wasn't complete yet, the time was like 5:00 in the morning, im beginning to reach the peak of a high dose trip but all of a sudden - someone knockning hard on the door. I froze and had no idea what to do, my friend Georgy woke up as the knocks got louder and louder and someone from the outside was yelling "open up! it's the police!"

Holy fucks. So Georgy told the cop to wait a bit as he is holding both of his dogs and then the cops came in, some through the door, some through the fucking balcony, with their own dog, to search for drugs, and i am at the corner of the living room, tripping nuts in my underpants with my hair not even brushed, shocked to the bones with no fucking idea what to do, and cops coming in and start yelling at everyone and searching the house with their own dogs, and Victoria (Georgys's girlfriend) woke up and almost started crying, at some point the cops took my ID to check, then told me to get naked so they see i have nothing on me, then to get dressed so i can go and wait outside with my friends' dogs (if i wasn't there they would have taken them to dog jail), while the cops tearing the house apart in front of Vicgeorgia's eyes (their couple name, a combination of both their names). So i'm waiting outside the house with both of the dogs, and the dog handlers of Jerusalem municipality, tripping my ass off, and just talking to the guys about how what they are doing is morally wrong no matter what the fucking law said. Somehow they understood me and we became friends (they are not cops), and one of them also told me he will try to get medical marijuana permit for his back issues.
At like 6:30 the raid was over, i got back inside the house to estimate the mess, the detective was there with Georgy, and on the TV screen the map i drew with the LS. the detctive was like "what the hell is that? is that your drug running map? do you plan a terror attack?" and i am to shocked to answer, so Georgy told him "it's a sigil, it's magick, i cannot explain it right now, but it has nothing to do with drugs." and got out of the house with the detective. The cops took Vicgeorgia to the station for interrogation about the weed they have found, and i stayed at a wrecked home, a total mess, tripping balls with both of them dogs, and absolutely no clue what to do next.

And im standing there, confused as fuck, trying to find my fucking brush to brush my fucking hair, i thought this will calm me down, but couldnt find it fucking no where. And the cops made a mess in my things as well, in my bag and even in my friggin Tarot set. For like 20 min i was wandering in the mess of a house trying to figure out my next move, thought of abandon my plan, give up Chelseanacht ritual, but all of a sudden it hit me - FUCKING TRIGAG!

So i started laughing like crazy, shouting "THIS IS A FUCKING CHAOS BOMB!!!" and decided to not give up, that's just a part of Chelseanacht - Trigag's part. I took the dogs for a walk, made order of my stuff, packed my backpack with only the essentials, and went on my way to place the city nodes according to the plan, with just two hours delay.
My journey was smooth, fast (thank you my dear Velocia!!) and full of numeric synchronicities, almost all of the nodes were placed, and it was time to go to the fucking western wall to complete the LS structure with the famous dot. I asked someone how to get there and he told me it's a long and harsh walk, but pointed the direction. I thought of taking the bus or taxi, but heard the entire godform cycle telling me "No! This is your journey to walk! This is your sacrifice for Chelseanacht!", and i told them back "Ok lil bitches, i accept the fucking challenge, but i really need to pee so arrange something", and immediately i saw some fancy hotel on my right, in the middle of the road, and the godforms told me "Only the best for you man!", and i was like "No fucking way! You kidding me! The guard will never even let me in without a room key or something!", and they told me "Just fucking go for it you whiny cunt", so i did, and the guard even fucking greeted me with a smile, so im inside a 5 star hotel, going to the bathroom, completely overwhelmed, i decided to take a picture to remember this fucked up fuckery.

I went on my way and saw the hotel dining room and though "Oh heck, why not", took some food and another pic and off to the western wall! The way was harsh but beautiful, Jerusalem is full of mountain views.

I am tired. Tired? bitch i'm fucking exhausted, my feet hurts from all the walking, it's hot as fuck, i'm sweaty, i'm fucked up but happy as fuck - and finally arriving at the western wall!!! Immediately after passing through the guards at the gate i felt relieved, i felt safe, i'm on sacred grounds, i'm at my destination, i have the godforms and Eris by my side for support, my troubles are over and it's time to do some magick! So i placed the last of the city nodes and felt the energy structure pumping energy. Then i have decided to sit down, complete my LS-NCB version, complete a multi-sigil for self transformation, draw my most important of sigils, and the LS, on some pieces of paper and put them inside the western wall, the only remnant of the jewish old temple of the lord, the second most holy place for jews all around the globe. So i did my drawing, and when everything was complete - came on to the magnificent wall itself, found the best spot to put them in, then i took off my shoes, my glasses and my back pack, and put my body on the wall, hugging it like it was my saviour. I said my grounding prayer and started crying and laughing at the same time. The wall accepted me, it was speaking to me, telling me secrets, hugging me back, cleansing me and washing away every piece of fuckedupness i have even known. I was crying and laughing and praying altogether, couldn't let go of the wall, i didn't care for anything in the entire universe, i felt i am getting enlightened, and nothing besides that even mattered at all. At some point i even took a magician's oath that, combined with the multi-sigil, had changed me for good.

^^ My version of the LS-NCB

^^ The multi-sigil of Silvo De Man for radical self transformation

^^ Some sigils i use a lot, top left - FILHERA for healing and relief, under that - a protection sigil, the sigil of SO MISTI, then the sigil of my dear Velocia, under that - the sigil of Lucas, my dreaming servitor, then sigil for Octarine magick, and finally - Fotamecus

^^ Me holding the papers in front of the western wall; First paper side one - LS, Pentagram and my mind opener sigil. Side two - the other sigils. Second paper side one - LS-NCB. Side two - the multi-sigil of Silvo De Man for permanent and radical change.

^^ Sigils in the western wall

^^ Zoom out

^^ Another zoom out - under this bush i was praying

Finally it was time for me to go, so i said thanks to the wall and went on, wandering around the place. I felt something was not complete yet, and then i saw a wooden bridge, and decided to walk on it. Apparently i was approaching the entrance of the Temple Mount, THE holiest of places for jews, the third most holy place for muslims, and a really dangerous place for an "israeli-jew" to enter, But i honestly couldn't care less - it was Chelseanacht, and i had the godforms by my side. I entered the place and the police woman was checking my stuff, and then making sure that i really wanna be here, and that this is the place i wanted to end up at and not a mistake i have made, and i'm like "hell yeah girl!", and she's like "you are not even religious!", "well so fucking what?". So she told me to wait up, and that israelis need police escort to take a tour there, and that i should wait for the group of israelis to gather and then we can start. As i was waiting, a woman started talking to me, she asked me if that's my first time here, and i said yes. She asked what brought me here, and i said that i felt a strong feeling telling me that i need to be here. She asked "specifically today? you should know it's a special day, normally there are a lot more people here, but some days ago there was a terror attack here and two cops got killed so the Temple Mount was closed to visitors for two days. No one thought it will be open today so not a lot of people came, but to everyone's surprise, it was open this very morning." At first i was shocked by her story and then i thought, "of course it's open today - it's fucking Chelseanacht!". And so began our tour, and i got to see the cops expressing two completely different sides in the same fucking day, in the morning they raided Vicgeorgia's home and attacked us - by noon they were our guardians. So we tour those holy grounds and the woman explaining me about the place and what the old jews did here in their temple at their holydays, and again i felt so enlightened that i started crying, and we circled the Al-Aqsa Mosque, gazing at the Dome of the Rock, the third most holy place for muslims, where, traditionally, Muhammed was ascended to Heaven accompanied by the angel Gabriel. Further, Muhammad was taken here by Gabriel to pray with Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. In jewish tradition it is were Isaac's binding took place, it is were the Foundation Stone is, the stone from which lord god started creating and forming the world, it is where the Holy of Holies spot in the Jewish temple was. And there i was, on Chelseanacht, tripping nuts, after an enlightening experience in the western wall standing in complete awe in front of this magnificence, this glory, this divine holiness, and started crying again, and while crying, mumbling my grounding prayer and mentally tagging there the LS and my Octarine sigil.

^^ Me waiting patiently for the tour to start

^^ Holy of Holies and i'm in complete awe

So the tour ended and i was in complete awe. I was enlightened. I was transformes. And i got myself a mango smoothie and started roaming the old city. I called Victoria's mom to find out what's up, she told me Victoria had just spoke to her, they are still in the station, being interrogated. Then Victoria's cousin called me to discuss the shituation. Victoria was probably gonna go home, but Georgy had some previous troubles with the cops regarding weed, and we both agreed that he will probably will spend at least the night in jail, i mean, he was on probation already, the odds were extremely against him. I started heading back to their home to start cleaning up the mess, the fucking bordel the cops left after them, and the cousin told me he was gonna come and help me. I was extremely tired and fell asleep on the bus, woke up right before home station, and then got a fantastic message from the cousin - both Victoria AND Georgy gonna be released on bail, it's a matter of maybe an hour! What great news! What a Chelseanacht miracle! So i got home and started cleaning up a bit and making order and then fell asleep. All of a sudden Vicgeorgia arrived, with some friends and the cousin and food, and started telling their tale. So apparently, the search warrant was probably illegal, they still need to check it out but probably will be released with nothing or almost nothing. What a marvelous freaky fucked up show the godforms have orchestrated for them. For all of us. And then they told me what happened there, how they were interrogated, how they explained the cops that they are basically criminal bullies with a legal badge, how good weed is (one of the cops was probably gonna start smoking), and eventually, Georgy told me that the detective and some other cops asked him again about the LS on the map. He had no idea what to answer - so he told them the truth. He told them about the theory and practical use of sigils, and the cops were fascinated and were eager to try it out. He told them that i am a part of some magick organization that is performing a synchronized ritual on this very day, all over the world, and they were impressed. He told them that the ritual is going to harness the power of the holy places and human intentions all over the world, and channel it into creating a better world, and they fucking cheered for us!!! So as it came out, on the exact same time i was getting enlightened on holy grounds - Jerusalem cops that were raiding us - got raided by Ellis and here web of Chaos Magick. I find this truly mind-blowing. After that i went to a good friens to tell him this crazy tale, then i went home, completed the rest of the Chelseanacht ritual, and fell asleep exhausted. That was my first ever Chelseanacht experience! What will be the next? What was yours? ;)

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