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RE: Poof Like Magic it Disappears

in #magicdice5 years ago

As far as I know they didn't actually issue the tokens so those are gone.
I was always surprised at all the high end supports a random online casino owned by shadowy figures was getting from the community. Obviously, they aren't involved but it shows the desparate state of this blockchain when we welcome such people with wide open arms.
The discussion these days is focused on self voting, delegating and using bid bots. Meanwhile casinos are making a killing and we have no clue who is operating most of them.

Posted using Partiko Android


I would guess some of them are being operated by the same people sort of who were ripping people off in ICO and phishing scams a year ago. Others are being operated by people who think they are above the law or ignorant of the law. I hope some of them are operated transparent people with good intentions. These tokens are not an investment; consider this financial advice.

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