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RE: ACT FOR AMERICA! May the Steemit community embrace this movement!

in #maga7 years ago

By Allah, how does one respond to this type of organization and its ongoing xenophobic demagoguery?
I struggle with understanding the motivations of such people whether they be right wing Judaic-Christian Fascists or the insane Wahhabis Sunni “Fundamentalist” and their ilk. I do understand that they exists not naturally, but are the products of the larger agendas of those who would rule the earth. Deep State? Globalists? Who are they really?
This Act for America is no different than previous politico-social movements driven by hatred and demagoguery like the brown shirts of Germany, The KKK of America and Daesh (ISIS) of the Middle East.
They will always be here in one form or another picking on some ethnic, religious or otherwise different minority as a means of accomplishing their political and social goals. So much for the generalities, let us get specific.
This Act for America is founded on the supposed precept that Muslims in America are intent on changing American society through terrorism and imposing of Shari’ah law. American is in danger of being overrun by hordes of unwashed Muslims (you can replace Muslim with Mexicans, African Americans, Italians, Irish or whatever is the hate du jour of the time) and we must all come together and stand up to protect American (read White Anglo Saxon Protestant) Culture and the Constitution of the United States of America.
First off, about protecting the Constitution. Act for America’s activity and indeed the premise of their existence is predicated on the tearing up of the Constitution’s bill of Rights. They advocate the denying a particular religious group from participating in the American Dream. Those of us who bow down our heads in prayer to God and fast during the month of Ramadan are somehow beneath the dignity of American Citizenship. Maybe we should be declared as only four fifths of a person like an earlier version of the Constitution did for African Slaves. I can only suggest that you, the reader of this comment take the time to investigate Act for America and its supporters and see if they truly represent your vision of a Free and Democratic American Republic.
Now, I cannot just leave it here. I must address the accusations of Act for America and other movements and persons that insist on marginalizing and vilifying Muslims.
I have been in this country for more than 60 years. I like to believe that I am a devout believing Muslim following the fundamental requirements and attitudes of such a devout Muslim. Shari’ah? To me it is the laws as described in the Holy Qur’an. Anything else such as the Wahabbi, Shi’a or a thousand other diversions claiming to be Islam are just the whims and creations of humans. These divergent sects within Islam are no different than the many atrocious activities done in the name of Christian and Judaist sects.
As Muslims we have our monsters among us just as the Judaic-Christian, Hindu, Buddhists, Pagan and even Atheistic-Agnostic societies have all had. We are all Human Beings and are all capable of incredible goodness and inconceivable evil no matter who we associate our beliefs with. As a Muslim, I just want to live my life, feed and house myself and my family and as my good book tells me, stand up against injustice wherever I see it, even if doing so is against myself, my family or my society.
"O you who believe! Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allah, even as against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, and whether it be (against) rich or poor: for Allah can best protect both. Follow not the lusts (of your hearts), lest you swerve, and if you distort justice or decline to do justice, verily Allah is well-acquainted with all that you do." [Sûrah al-Nisâ’: 135]”
We can argue about the many details of Islam, but that is not what this response is about. It is about the injustice and shameful demagoguery being perpetrated by these people. The advocating of blind hate and ignorance. I like to believe that their audience here will be limited and that they would be better suited to move to Raqqa in Syria with their ISIS cousins who advocate the same hatred and ignorance.


All this ranting after reading the simple truth @ibrahim-ym?

I only bothered to read some of it.

How many massacred infidels this Ramadan?

It's at a record high isnt it?

And when you open the Koran (which you call the good book), you don't see any killing instructions?


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