in #maga6 years ago

DIPLOMATIC WHITE PAPER: Election Fraud, the US6370629 patent fraud matter, and the
Operations of the UNSC
Table of Contents
The 14-CV-03629/WHA ruling and its affect on the US and all foreign Elections relying on those
softwares and methods under the TRIPS and related patent/IP enforcement laws..............................2
In the US there is no such thing as a Federal Election....................................................................2
Sovereign Immunity was lost: State (and through this Federal) Sovereign Immunity stripped by
USDC 14-CV-03629/WHA..................................................................................................................2
No Standing was retained to “object to enforcement” or declare any sovereign immunity in the
Matter or its Appeal.........................................................................................................................3
No Notice of Retaining Standing to argue against the Enforcement of the Settlement was
made by the State of California or Federal Government............................................................3
No other US State filed any Amicus Brief nor did the National Counsel of State Legislators
(NCSL), who were properly served notice of the Ruling and its effects against their voting
Voting Computers: How is the Patent and Derivative Copyright-protected Software Illegally Used?3
Cryptographic Timestamps inside Voting Capture Workstations....................................................4
Lets explore the legal implications of such an issue............................................................................4
The US House of Representatives is legally voided by this fact.....................................................4
The US Senate has a similar problem, at least 2/3 of it are void.....................................................4
Lex Sed Lex – the Law is the Law..............................................................................................4
That means the same phenomenon is then true for the US Senate in the 2014 Election and the
2016 Elections both.........................................................................................................................5
Confirmation of Representatives Extraterritorial............................................................................5
The United Nations Security Council (UNSC)....................................................................................5
The Net-Effect of the Standing of the UN and the World has been placed in Jeopardy by the US and
UK actions in hiding the USDC 14-CV-03629 Ruling and its effects.................................................6
Syria as just one of many recurring instances where Global Law was set aside.............................6
The Nations using electronic computers in their Election Processes, whether in Electronic Voting
Workstations, or just inside Voter Registration, Vote Precinct Operations (Voter Checkin, Vote
Precinct Tallying, Vote Integrity Audit Practices, and Final Count Tallying or Uploading) all rely on
the US6370629 Patent for their timestamps.
In doing so this causes Section 8 of the Settlement Terms to be properly applied to that Nations
voting practice. This was perfected by the USDC 14-CV-03629/WHA ruling and the two Appeals
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DIPLOMATIC WHITE PAPER: Election Fraud, the US6370629 patent fraud matter, and the
Operations of the UNSC
which Judicially Perfected (affirmed) it, 9th Circuit 14-17574, and DC Circuit 15-01326. In all
instances parties had every opportunity to maintain or assert a Sovereign Standing, and in fact had
an obligation to to shorten the multi-year cross circuit litigation time-frame and cost to the US
Taxpayers. No party filed any such paperwork because they fully accepted the effect of the Ruling
in nullifying Sovereign Immunity as it pertains to US Voting. This is an obvious consequence of the
Ruling itself.
The 14-CV-03629/WHA ruling and its affect on the US
and all foreign Elections relying on those softwares
and methods under the TRIPS and related patent/IP
enforcement laws.
In the US alone the USDC ruling in the 14-CV-03629/WHA matter likely if not certainly invalidates
the ability to use any VOTING WORKSTATION to capture votes.
In the US there is no such thing as a Federal Election
All US Elections are performed at the State Level. There technically is no such thing as a
FEDERAL RUN ELECTION, just State Run Federal-Level Elections.
These are run by State Election Commissions under State Law and the results for US Congress and
Presidential Elections are forwarded on a State by State Basis to the Federal Election Assistance
Commission (EAC).
The EAC was formally served notice repeatedly in March and June of 2014, and again in March
and June of 2016 over the USDC14-CV-03629/WHA ruling and its affects on State Run Elections.
They chose to not respond or even acknowledge receipt of the Notice in any form. House and
Senate Oversight, and all Election Reform and Integrity Committees also refused to take formal
notice of the Ruling, and its effects, even to deny they were true. The implications of this are the US
Government refused to take notice of the effect of its own Court Ruling on both State and Federal
Sovereign Immunity was lost: State (and through this
Federal) Sovereign Immunity stripped by USDC 14-CV-
All parties who were members to the US6370629 Litigation are bound to its effects whatever they
may be.
As a State Level Actor (the State of California as a named defendant represented the other 49 States
who were DOES in the matter) means that all 50 States directly and indirectly are bound by the
effects of the Ruling itself. Both on their State Level Representative Roles and Legislative Bill
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DIPLOMATIC WHITE PAPER: Election Fraud, the US6370629 patent fraud matter, and the
Operations of the UNSC
elections, and those Federal Seat Elections they run on a 2 and 4 year basis all of those election
processes are impacted by the Ruling from 14-CV-03629/WHA.
Additionally, the US Government was itself a member of the Defendants of the 14-CV-03629/WHA
matter and would also be bound to the effects of the ruling whatever they may be.
No Standing was retained to “object to enforcement” or
declare any sovereign immunity in the Matter or its Appeal
In no instance was any party incapable (State or Federal, of the US NCSL who was also served
notice) of filing a Demand Notice with the US Court such that it could ARGUE IT RETAINED ITS
In no 14-CV-03629/WHA hearing matter did the State of California (or any other NCSL Member)
file notice it would be using a Sovereign Immunity Defense against the Allegations. Neither did the
US Government. In all instances these parties could have easily set aside the ruling if that was done
properly from a legal perspective.
No Notice of Retaining Standing to argue against the Enforcement of
the Settlement was made by the State of California or Federal
In the main body of the Trial, and in its Post-Judgment period, and in both 9th Circuit 14-17574) and
DC Circuit Appeals (15-01326) did any Defendant, including the State of California and US
Government, file any paperwork with the US District Court retaining standing to argue in a future
standing against the effects of the 14-CV-03629/WHA ruling.
No other US State filed any Amicus Brief nor did the National Counsel
of State Legislators (NCSL), who were properly served notice of the
Ruling and its effects against their voting systems.
No party, including the State Actors, and NCSL, either in the Main Body of the Trial, and in its
Post-Judgment period, file any documents to maintain or assert Sovereign Immunity.
This bound those States and the NCSL itself to the effects of the Ruling from 14-CV-03629/WHA
in full.
This means whatever the Ruling’s effects were, those parties are bound to the ruling. They have no
sovereign immunity claim to refute enforcement or the effects of the ruling, in any Court both
within the US and States or Internationally.
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DIPLOMATIC WHITE PAPER: Election Fraud, the US6370629 patent fraud matter, and the
Operations of the UNSC
Voting Computers: How is the Patent and Derivative
Copyright-protected Software Illegally Used?
As to how, the Computer’s inside the Voting Systems use Software. That software uses illegally
obtained methods which have no Judicial or Sovereign Immunity because of the USDC 14-CV-
03629/WHA ruling.
Cryptographic Timestamps inside Voting Capture
As to the mechanics of the Infringement, the CRYPTOGRAPHIC TIMESTAMP for each VOTING
INSTANCE directly uses the key Intellectual Property protected by the Patent making the use of it
inside Voter Workstation Appliance Systems (VWAS) illegal for any and all State level entities in
the US. This affected the ability to Seat Congress (both House of Representatives, and US Senate
Lets explore the legal implications of such an issue.
The implications of such a happenstance speak for themselves. Lets explore them here.
The US House of Representatives is legally voided by this fact
The fact the entire US House of Representatives is re-seated every Two Years, and this ruling
happened in 2014 means it legally invalidated their elections in fully for two (or more) complete
Meaning based on a single Court Ruling there very likely is no seated House of Representative
Members in the US. This means the US House cannot approve the financial operations of the US
Government or vote on Sanctions against ANY NATION because (legally speaking) it simply does
not exist.
The US Senate has a similar problem, at least 2/3 of it are void.
The US Senate serves a Six Year Term of which 1/3 is re-elected every Mid-Term and 4 Year
Election Date. Each two year election cycle for US Senate Members is called a CLASS. There are
three of them, Class A, B, and C. This means the entire US Senate is replaced every six (6) years.
The 6 year voting cycle issues are in effect for the US Senate and the State Elections which seat
those members. There have been two of these since the USDC Ruling in 2014 voided the
unauthorized use of the IP in US Elections.
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DIPLOMATIC WHITE PAPER: Election Fraud, the US6370629 patent fraud matter, and the
Operations of the UNSC
Lex Sed Lex – the Law is the Law
Election Law is very simple and transparent. It requires both legal standing to operate the Election
and the Mechanics of the Elections practices must not break any treaty or jurisdictional standing for
that Election Service.
That means the same phenomenon is then true for the US
Senate in the 2014 Election and the 2016 Elections both.
Today, there are at most there are 1/3 of the US Senate left (what is referred to as Class C). The A
and B Classes of the US Senates elections are void by law, under the 14-CV-03629/WHA ruling
because the States have refused to come into alignment and obtain proper releases from the Terms
and Conditions for the US6370629 Patent IP.
Because formal Sanctions require the vote of the US Senate and House in many instances, those
also are mechanically impossible, making the fraudulent imposition of Sanctions against any Nation
an act of war by a Pirate Jurisdiction. There are really no other ways to describe Political, Military
and Economic Sanctions issued by a Congress which is legally void, when they are targeted against
any Foreign Government.
Confirmation of Representatives Extraterritorial
All Ambassadorial and Consulate Staff operate under the Authority of the Secretary of State’s
office, but there is no legal method of qualifying a Secretary of State for the US Government. As
such there can be no legal standing for any Ambassador.
The United Nations Security Council (UNSC)
The US Ambassador to the UN (and those to all foreign Nations) are confirmed by the US Senate. It
is legally incapable of doing so in 2016 because it is incompetent to operate with only 33 members
This means the UNSC cannot accept any proposals for Sanctions or take any testimony from the US
Government in any form therein. It has no legally seated representative. Only Nations with formal
waivers of the Ruling Effect against the 14-CV-03629/WHA standing would have legal provisions
to operate as the UNSC. Additionally Nations blocking review of that (US and United Kingdom)
are both tied to the underlying criminal antitrust in this matter’s effects.
Country Regional Group Member since
People's Republic of
China Asia-Pacific Group 1971, replaced the Republic of China
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DIPLOMATIC WHITE PAPER: Election Fraud, the US6370629 patent fraud matter, and the
Operations of the UNSC
Country Regional Group Member since
France Western European and Others
Group 1946
Russian Federation Eastern European Group 1991, replaced the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics
United Kingdom Western European and Others
Group 1946
United States Western European and Others
Group 1946
Non-permanent members
Country Regional Group Term began Term ends
Bolivia Latin American and Caribbean Group
(GRULAC) 2017 2018
Equatorial Guinea African Group 2018 2019
Ethiopia African Group 2017 2018
Ivory Coast African Group 2018 2019
Kazakhstan Asia-Pacific Group 2017 2018
Kuwait Asia-Pacific Group 2018 2019
Netherlands Western European and Others Group 2018 2018
Peru Latin American and Caribbean Group
(GRULAC) 2018 2019
Poland Eastern European Group 2018 2019
Sweden Western European and Others Group 2017 2018
The Net-Effect of the Standing of the UN and the World
has been placed in Jeopardy by the US and UK actions
in hiding the USDC 14-CV-03629 Ruling and its effects.
The US Government has at all instances and each legal proceeding to enforce the 14-CV-
03629/WHA covered up the VOTING SYSTEM IMPLICATIONS inside the ruling and its effects
at a National Level on all parties. The effects of this are to plunge the world into a state where Law
is not what it appears, and it is only implemented when those Nations (US and UK) decide they will
be bound by it.
Syria as just one of many recurring instances where Global
Law was set aside.
All parties illegally operating their Governments, have a responsibility to meet the needs of the Rule
of Law. In this instance the Rule of Law has been specifically ignored because it is inconvenient.
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DIPLOMATIC WHITE PAPER: Election Fraud, the US6370629 patent fraud matter, and the
Operations of the UNSC
A prime example is the attack against Syria on Saturday Morning yesterday (15-Apr-2018). Three
Nations, all who depend on stolen IP inside their Voting Systems, and who are direct parties to the
Frauds therein (US, UK, and France) led an attack against Syria claiming whatever Justification was
The US and UK as permanent members of the UN Security Council were also instrumental in
stopping any retribution condemning their actions for said attack, setting the standard of Lex Sed
Lex aside for whatever goals they had both abroad and at home.
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