Pelosi defends satanic, muderous child traficking, raping MS 13... Yet Demands funding planned parenthood genocide.

in #maga6 years ago

Sarah Sanders Slams Media and Liberals Enraged that Trump Called MS-13 Gang ‘Animals’
Pelosi ms-13-recruiting-meme.jpg
By Michelle Moons 17 May 2018Washington, DC4,352
“If the media and liberals want to defend MS-13, they’re more than welcome to,” White House press secretary Sarah Sanders told reporters during Thursday’s briefing after media attempts to frame President Trump’s comments from the previous day as insulting to “some immigrants.”

“I don’t think the term that the president used was strong enough,” she said.

One reporter had asked Sanders about the president’s use of the word “animals” to describe members of the vicious MS-13 transnational gang but, instead, framed the question by saying Trump used the term to describe “some immigrants.”

Sanders sharply corrected him by saying, “The president was very clearly referring to MS-13 gang members who enter the country illegally and whose deportations are hamstrung by our laws.” She described the gang as “one of the most vicious and deadly” and operates using rape, control, and killing.


If the media and liberals want to defend MS-13, they’re more than welcome to,” said Sanders. “Frankly I don’t think the term that the president used was strong enough.”

She then described some of the “heinous acts” the gang has executed:

It took an animal to stab a man a hundred times and decapitate him and rip his heart out. It took an animal to beat a woman they were sex trafficking – with a bat 28 times, indenting part of her body. And it took an animal to kidnap, drug, and rape a 14-year old Houston girl.

Frankly, I think that the term “animal” doesn’t go far enough.

And I think that the president should continue to use his platform and everything he can do under the law to stop these types of horrible, horrible, disgusting people.

Trump used the term “animal” to describe MS-13 gang members during a Wednesday afternoon White House roundtable with stakeholders in the fight against California’s sanctuary state laws.

Fresno Sheriff Margaret Mims described to Trump the struggle her region faces in notifying Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) of an illegal alien MS-13 gang member. Trump responded by calling those gang members “animals,” a term he has used in the past to describe the murderous criminal organization.

A host of media personalities, Hollywood celebrities, and Democrats deceptively framed his comments as referring to “some immigrants,” a narrative continued in the Thursday briefing question.

“There’s a spark of divinity in every person on earth and that we all have to recognize that,” House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said as she slammed Trump for calling MS-13 members “animals.” Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom said Trump is like a “slave owner” or “Nazi” for Trump’s description of the murderous gang members.

The Associated Press issued a tweet correction on Thursday admitting it had incorrectly framed Trump’s comment: “AP has deleted a tweet from late Wednesday on Trump’s “animals” comment about immigrants because it wasn’t made clear that he was speaking after a comment about gang members”:


This year, ICE arrested 475 gang members in a sting operation, 99 of whom claimed unaccompanied minor status and 65 of whom were shortly thereafter released into the United States by an immigration judge.

The MS-13’s beheading of a victim that Sanders referred to on Thursday is likely the case of a ten-person gang ambush in Maryland. A 19-year-old had been arrested in connection with the crime as of late last year. The gang beating of a 15-year-old sex trafficking victim sounds to be the case out of Maryland that allegedly involved 21-year-old illegal alien Yervin Josue Romero-Rivera, according to local WJLA. The drugging, rape, and murder of a 14-year-old girl in Houston appear to be the case of two 18-year-old MS-13 gang members who appeared in court for charges in the crime and were seen smiling and waving to television cameras. Breitbart Texas identified at least one as a national of El Salvador, while the nationality of the other teen murder suspect had not been determined at the time of that report.

Follow Michelle Moons on Twitter @MichelleDiana.



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Who is this filthy rich, morally bankrupt alleged "public servant " who tells us that these monsters should not be called "animals" ? In one sense I am in total agreement as animals do mot deserve the association with MS-13 or the ilk of Pelosi and her garbage. I'd like to see Pelosi in a cage with her good buddies of MS-13 and see how she fares, and as far as animals go...If they are hungry enough, it would be a pleasure to feed MS-13 to them if they have the stomach for it.
This madness has to be put to an end immediately!

Below, fins some comments where there idiots at AP put Pelosi's idiotic brain dead comments out to later delete due to the nature of the libelous FAKE NEWS! AP after all is owned by Rosthchild Zionist interests.

The Associated Press
‏Verified account @AP

AP has deleted a tweet from late Wednesday on Trump’s “animals” comment about immigrants because it wasn’t made clear that he was speaking after a comment about gang members.
8:35 AM - 17 May 2018

Rafael Garcia
Taxation is Theft 🤯
cheryl owens
Josh Adams
Jamie Emery
Phillip Cain
bruno figueroa
American KitKat

5,680 replies 7,406 retweets 15,344 likes
Merkaba Film Group Tweet text

    sean kennedy
    ‏ @hoor45
    May 17

Replying to @AP

Gang members are not animals either.
1,285 replies 112 retweets 2,320 likes
May 17

Yes they are
54 replies 70 retweets 2,801 likes
May 17

Ummm.... only in the sense that all humans are animals.... You start denying the humanity of people, even the ones who do terrible things and you are going to start being one of the people who does terrible things....
112 replies 16 retweets 381 likes

Parker Molloy
‏Verified account @ParkerMolloy
May 17

Replying to @AP

Except he wasn't
75 replies 5 retweets 480 likes
Mistress of Citrus
May 17

Ah, but he was. And you know it but you're disappointed because you and every other lib want to continue to push the narrative that @POTUS is a racist. Stories like this only serve to hasten the slow, unassisted suicide of "journalism".
65 replies 60 retweets 1,008 likes
May 17

Um, he is a racist
73 replies 5 retweets 430 likes
Michael Schwarten
May 17

Did AP tell you that?
17 replies 4 retweets 530 likes
May 17

No I figured it out all by myself
34 replies 3 retweets 349 likes

‏ @hale_razor
May 17

Replying to @AP

full day later, narrative already set #journalism
12 replies 161 retweets 1,508 likes
Rick Blackburn
May 17

So AP, are you telling me your editor didn’t know the context of the quote and it took a day to figure it out?
33 replies 133 retweets 1,521 likes

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Dr. Dot
‏ @dr_dot
May 17

Replying to @AP

How about you stop bashing @realDonaldTrump and applaud all of the good he has done so far. We are sick of your “mistakes”. Get it straight. Trump rules.
48 replies 145 retweets 817 likes
Tweet unavailable
Steve H
May 17
Replying to @penowski @dr_dot and

Destabilize the Korean Peninsula? Do you watch the news or just CNN?
9 replies 2 retweets 70 likes
Mydrae Brown
May 17

North Korea had repeatedly said that trump had nothing to do with the relationship between them and South Korea.
6 replies 0 retweets 6 likes
16h16 hours ago

I’m just going to leave this here
0 replies 2 retweets 36 likes

End of conversatio
Nathalie Highland
‏ @gnathhigh
May 17

Replying to @AP

This is a ridiculous retraction that caves to right-wing pressure rather than acknowledging that even the worst among us are human and that it is entirely consistent with the president's racist rhetoric since he launched his campaign. Do better, AP.
67 replies 9 retweets 156 likes

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‏ @riotwomennn
May 17

Replying to @AP

He talked about 1000s of people .... what bs.

Trump gaslighting his way into a cowardly media afraid to call out his long racist rant that was full of lies & grinning up hate toward all immigrants.

Shame on you
72 replies 46 retweets 388 likes

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Joel Wells
‏ @jrw2july
May 17

Replying to @AP

And with that, I’m done following AP
40 replies 48 retweets 944 likes

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Tim Spivey
‏ @timspivey
May 17

Replying to @AP

Thanks for correcting the record.
0 replies 0 retweets 7 likes

Comfortably Smug
‏ @ComfortablySmug
May 17

Replying to @AP

8 replies 8 retweets 133 likes
Stephen K.
May 17

0 replies 1 retweet 20 likes

‏ @MartyGnome
May 17

Replying to @AP

It was extremely clear if you watched his statement. Bet the victims families fully agree with the president.
0 replies 0 retweets 18 likes

Tyler Falwell
‏ @Tfalwell
May 17

Replying to @AP

You guys are catching up with the @nytimes with the redactions. Darkness lies in the stories that break while knowing good and well it doesn't provide context. Probably a good tagline for yall at the #NewYorkTimes too.
0 replies 0 retweets 11 likes

‏ @gameopsgirl
May 18

Replying to @AP

"Too many journalists see their work as an opportunity to promote their own pet political notions, rather than a responsibility to inform the public and let their readers and viewers decide for themselves." Thomas Sowell
0 replies 1 retweet 13 likes

Doug Ward
‏ @wmdward
May 17

Replying to @AP

Since when does the media let the facts get in the way of a story? Especially when the POTUS is involved.
0 replies 0 retweets 10 likes

‏ @darrylayo
22h22 hours ago

Replying to @AP

Put the tweet back.
0 replies 0 retweets 7 likes

New conversation
Ed Pickart
‏ @edpickart
May 17

Replying to @AP

How about this headline instead, AP:
2 replies 1 retweet 12 likes

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Benjamin Brown
‏ @Ben_Lungs
20h20 hours ago

Replying to @AP

On what planet and in which universe has Trump earned this sort of benefit of the doubt?
1 reply 0 retweets 4 likes

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Cuban Nightmare
‏ @13Cuban
24h24 hours ago

Replying to @AP

They are worse. Especially MS13
0 replies 0 retweets 5 likes


21h21 hours ago
Replying to @AP

The AP had now fully bent over.
0 replies 0 retweets 5 likes

John Eissler
‏ @JohnEissler
17h17 hours ago

Replying to @AP

Another media outlet with an agenda. Damage has been done and this retraction tweet will receive far less attention. Most media operatives in the US make the news fit their agenda. National disgrace.
0 replies 0 retweets 5 likes

Jeffery Moser
‏ @JeffinAurora
May 17

Replying to @AP

Yet they are people, too.
4 replies 0 retweets 2 likes

End of conversation

New conversation
Brian Dees
‏ @bcdees47
May 17

Replying to @AP

Hi, @AP. Happy Thursday. Just wanted to weigh in and note that gang members are also not animals, No humans are "animals" in the pejorative sense @realDonaldTrump clearly, from the context, meant it. Some gang members may be criminals, yes, but they are still humans. Thanks.
14 replies 0 retweets 20 likes

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zach hollander
‏ @zachollander
20h20 hours ago

Replying to @AP

You know it’s bad when even the press doesn’t do their due diligence before reporting on a story. The equivalent of “shoot first, ask questions later”
1 reply 0 retweets 9 likes

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Carl D Tweets
‏ @CarlDWhite
May 17

Replying to @AP

Come on, @AP ! Delete the tweet?? Offer a debate; offer engaged conversation. Offer opposing interpretations and views. But delete?? WTF??
1 reply 0 retweets 2 likes

Florals for spring? 36 inch waist? Groundbreaking.
‏ @thedealwithalex
May 17

Replying to @AP

0 replies 0 retweets 3 likes

The Great Big Mouth 

May 18
Replying to @AP @KrisLMplus4

It was clear to anyone who watched the unedited video. Did the AP not have access to that? Wow.
0 replies 0 retweets 4 likes

‏ @AEMarling
12h12 hours ago

Replying to @AP

A sad day for freedom of press when they are too scared to report the true horrors of an evil man.
0 replies 0 retweets 3 likes

May 17

Replying to @AP

It was clear .... AP simply rushed to report it .... you should’ve checked it out first.
0 replies 0 retweets 3 likes

Keith A. Holloway
‏ @beerspouse
May 17

Replying to @AP

AP is mainly editorials not news anymore they leave out so much context to be deceptive
0 replies 0 retweets 3 likes


May 17
Replying to @AP

Now apologize.
0 replies 3 retweets 8 likes

Mark Ross
‏ @Mark_Ross18
18h18 hours ago

Replying to @AP

You all are committing crimes brainwashing your audience and deleting tweets just when the damage is done. Stop the immoral practices of journalism. Your executives will be prosecuted and send to GITMO altogether with the Globalist gang. #MAGA #Q
0 replies 0 retweets 4 likes

David Wilson
‏ @davepxp
15h15 hours ago

Replying to @AP @brithume

It was abundantly clear.
0 replies 0 retweets 3 likes

New conversation
Carol Ann Leif
‏ @carolannleif
13h13 hours ago

Replying to @AP

Do we all get to decide what teeeible people are animals? Can I say it's men who cheat on the the mother of their newborn child with a porn actress? Who decides? I'll wait for your answer...
2 replies 0 retweets 5 likes
Carol Ann Leif
13h13 hours ago

0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

End of conversation

‏ @AtomicWife
May 17

Replying to @AP

That's NOT what he actually said. That was back-pedaling by his babysitters doing damage control. And you just went along with it. Shame on you.
0 replies 0 retweets 2 likes

Marilyn Washabaugh
‏ @WazzuCoug94
May 17

Replying to @AP

A little late
0 replies 0 retweets 2 likes

‏ @allhailfreezer
17h17 hours ago

Replying to @AP

You guys do realize it still a pretty messed up thing to say, right?
0 replies 0 retweets 2 likes

‏ @0youngbs
May 17

Replying to @AP

He was responding to a question about racial profiling. His words were deliberately ambiguous as to who he was dehumanizing. He has lost the privilege of this benefit of the doubt.
0 replies 0 retweets 2 likes

Julie Myers
‏ @juliemyers
May 17

Replying to @AP

Oh look, the AP is supporting racism
0 replies 0 retweets 2 likes

Vanessa Leonard
‏ @vanessalleonard
23h23 hours ago

Replying to @AP

That’s why facts matter. That’s why research matters. That’s why gathering two sides to every story matters. Who’s the journalist here? Do your damn jobs.
0 replies 0 retweets 2 likes

Michael D Kolesnik
‏ @MikeDKolesnik
May 17

Replying to @AP

AP, do you have any credibility left?
0 replies 0 retweets 2 likes

‏ @apompa04
24h24 hours ago

Replying to @AP

Sounds like a CYA moment from the AP..
0 replies 0 retweets 2 likes

Shelly Borrell Freis
‏ @FoodBlog
18h18 hours ago

Replying to @AP

What is up AP? Even you can't get it right? No wonder why people don't trust the media.
0 replies 0 retweets 2 likes

The New Evening Whirl
‏ @thewhirlonline
19h19 hours ago

Replying to @AP

When you make a mistake, admit it.
Good going!
0 replies 0 retweets 2 likes

Alice Wessendorf
‏ @awessendorf
May 17

Replying to @AP

Oh AP sigh. Even "in context" he was calling immigrants animals. Don't give in to the insanity.
0 replies 0 retweets 2 likes

New conversation
‏ @mucho_amore
May 17

Replying to @AP

It was still one of his dog whistles though
2 replies 0 retweets 2 likes

1 more reply

jp we7

21h21 hours ago
Replying to @AP

0 replies 0 retweets 1 like

Christopher Jones
‏ @Jones3d
11h11 hours ago

Replying to @AP

People remember the headline, not the correction.
0 replies 0 retweets 1 like

Bruce Hart
‏ @BruceLHart
May 17

Replying to @AP

Hey AP. Starting to drink the cool aid eh?
0 replies 0 retweets 1 like

Jason Grote
‏ @jasongrote
May 18

Replying to @AP

0 replies 0 retweets 1 like

La Résistance 

15h15 hours ago
Replying to @AP @KDugovich

No, HE did not make it clear whether he was talking about MS-13 or immigrants in general!
0 replies 0 retweets 1 like

Dirk Gerard
‏ @DirkGerard
4h4 hours ago

Replying to @AP

Kijk, @krishoflack, zo hoort dat als een nieuwsorganisatie #fakenews brengt.
Heeft te maken met herstel van geloofwaardigheid
0 replies 0 retweets 1 like

‏ @warrendix3
17h17 hours ago

Replying to @AP

Yet another lie from AP
0 replies 0 retweets 1 like

🏝 Kate
8h8 hours ago
Replying to @AP

It needs to stay there. Trump said it. That’s factual. Do better journalism!! #journalism
0 replies 0 retweets 1 like

Corin BarsilyGoodwin
‏ @mamacorin
May 17

Replying to @AP

Why does it matter if he said it about (presumed) gang members? He doesn't know uch about who joins gangs or why, and apparently you don't, either.
0 replies 0 retweets 1 like

Arnie Snortingpecker
‏ @snortingpecker
May 17

Replying to @AP @SharylAttkisson

Why did @AP report as such to begin with... hmmmm
0 replies 0 retweets 1 like

Suzanne Moran
‏ @suzannem
13h13 hours ago

Replying to @AP

But he was making the comment about people, not animals?
0 replies 0 retweets 1 like

I'm Suzi Poppins, y'all!
‏ @SoozleMcDoozle
18h18 hours ago

Replying to @AP

So you're all in with gaslighting? Cool cool. 🙄😩
0 replies 0 retweets 1 like

Matthias Lucker
‏ @LuckerMatthias
1h1 hour ago

Replying to @AP

0 replies 0 retweets 1 like

skippy the bush kangaroo 

May 17
Replying to @AP

he was also speaking after kilauea erupted but that doesn't mean he was talking about lava
0 replies 0 retweets 1 like

Troy Rose
‏ @TroyRos12854484
9h9 hours ago

Replying to @AP @SharylAttkisson

We know there are far too few Sharyl Attkissons reporting the news. Seeing the overt biases of today's news reporters, shouldn't all journalists be required to take a refresher course every 5 years?
0 replies 0 retweets 1 like

Melvin Bagby
‏ @MelvinBagby
21h21 hours ago

Replying to @AP

Probably don’t matter. He said also they’re not people.
0 replies 0 retweets 1 like

‏ @ImDavidDunn
21h21 hours ago

Replying to @AP

And that matters how?
0 replies 0 retweets 1 like

New conversation
Dane Pennacchi
‏ @dpenn23
May 17

Replying to @AP

Mmmmk yawn. Was it unbecoming the office? Yes. Are these gangs vile. Also yes. But we should expect better from this office.
2 replies 0 retweets 0 likes
Ryan James
May 17

I misread ur tweet, I guess u do say they are vile. I think I’m still having a heatstroke so reading his hard right now. I digress.
0 replies 0 retweets 1 like

End of conversation

Dustin Johnson
‏ @theophagist
23h23 hours ago

Replying to @AP

Did you read the context around what he said? It was not clear that he was referring only to gang members, he has conflated gang members with all immigrants in the past, and gang members are still people.
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

Kenneth Haesly
‏ @Khaesly1
15h15 hours ago

Replying to @AP @brithume

Just poor initial reporting. Be more professional!!!
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

‏ @GottaWanderLife
22h22 hours ago

Replying to @AP

Oh, so now it's not news and everything's fine? COME ON.
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

‏ @k9queen14
May 17

Replying to @AP

Just wrong! You can't change what was said after someone explains away what he meant. You want help protecting "freedom of the press" ? then stay honest!
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

‏ @GGonzalez_92
14h14 hours ago

Replying to @AP

What a weak move! HE was not clear on the statement, but because he tweeted the day after on "what he »truly« meant." You guys feel threatened? He's holding you guys more accountable, than himself for lack of clarity. #FreePress
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

Scott Rooney
‏ @maverick262
20h20 hours ago

Replying to @AP

This has become a routine ritual with you guys and you shoddy reporting standards. Maybe if you properly vet stories before posting, you won’t have to delete anything.
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

‏ @lalunkee
21h21 hours ago

Replying to @AP

Chicken-shit much, @ap?
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

‏ @KevinWalsh222
20h20 hours ago

Replying to @AP

0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes


11h11 hours ago
Replying to @AP

He was not, he was talking about prosecuting and deporting immigrants. Anyone stupid enough to think he was restricting his comments to gang members needs to seek medical treatment for severe delusions.
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

Christina Jefferson
‏ @tampagirl19655
13h13 hours ago

Replying to @AP

So gang members have no human DNA apparently?
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

Cathy Buffaloe
‏ @cathybuffaloe
15h15 hours ago

Replying to @AP @brithume

What about all of the people who read the tweet and believed it and retweeted it?
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

‏ @Sarah15758919
May 17

Replying to @AP

The animals comment should never have been made . Is the AP blind? What is the problem with them. Clear or not it was wrong!!!
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

Profanity Jane 

10h10 hours ago
Replying to @AP

Ahhh! There you are #ComplicitMedia. Keep letting trump bully you into submission and pretty soon you won’t exist at all. 👍🏾
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

Duo Vandal
‏ @DuoVandal
15h15 hours ago

Replying to @AP

Good propaganda.
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

ronald mcdonald
‏ @ronmcdonald187
5h5 hours ago

Replying to @AP

Fits your story line. I'm guessing the Texas shooting won't be worked to death because it lacked a nasty looking rifle.

You left your journalistic credentials at the door a long time ago, don't try to varnish the past.
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

Manuel Estrada
‏ @CSM79RV7
10h10 hours ago

Replying to @AP

Watch it again.
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

Albert McLaughlin
‏ @AFM0455
22h22 hours ago

Replying to @AP

It was Crystal Clear.......Just a little slant of interpretation.
Wonder how that happens....
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

‏ @OCdharma
May 17

Replying to @AP

Is this a joke?
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

George Colombo
‏ @georgecolombo
10h10 hours ago

Replying to @AP

If you're still around in the future and are allowed to report on our descent into full blown fascism, please don't forget to include this shameful episode.
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

New conversation
NY Indivisible
‏ @ny_indivisible
May 17

Replying to @AP

Lame! #Wordsmatter.
1 reply 0 retweets 0 likes
Liz Loveland
15h15 hours ago

I would have hoped an account associating itself with @IndivisibleTeam would've done better than using awful ableist language.
1 reply 0 retweets 0 likes
NY Indivisible
‏ @ny_indivisible
14h14 hours ago

educate me. how's this considered ableism? who is being discriminated against? or are you being sarcastic.
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

End of conversation

Jay Robinson
‏ @lightsleeper
May 17

Replying to @AP

I mean you only have 280 characters. It's difficult to recapitulate all irrelevant recent history.
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

Donna Clark
‏ @DonnaCl03218888
May 17

Replying to @AP

Well thats mighty big of you try telling the damn truth!
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

Sandra Dune
‏ @SandDune99
18h18 hours ago

Replying to @AP

I don't know how it wasn't clear. It took 30 seconds to find the video and see the context. The president said it directly after this statement by Sheriff Mims: "There could be an MS-13 member I know about -- if they don't have a certain threshold, I cannot tell [ICE] about it,"
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

Gnoah Phungate
‏ @GnoahPhungate
18h18 hours ago

Replying to @AP

It wasn’t made clear because it was not clear, WHICH IS THE POINT. His whole shtick has been to paint immigrants broadly as gangsters/criminals/terrorists. Him claiming that he meant ms13 is a meaningless distinction when he’s also telling us that all Latinx immigrants are ms13.
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

Christina Pazzanese
‏ @cpazzanese
May 17

Replying to @AP

Foolish. You erased history. He said what he said.
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

Marie Donigan
‏ @marie_donigan
20h20 hours ago

Replying to @AP

Ugh, AP
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🇺🇸Live Free Or DIE Trying
12h12 hours ago
Replying to @AP @SharylAttkisson

Well why the hell wouldn't you have listened to the conversation before reporting it to the whole world???

You deleted it but the damage is already done. You have every single screaming liberal and fanatic decrying he is a racist, and a slew of other names.
Integrity compromised
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

Naomi MacRoss
‏ @NaomiMac_Ross
19h19 hours ago

Replying to @AP

Why does that matter?
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

Paul Marr
‏ @SerendipitySays
9h9 hours ago

Replying to @AP

Not sure this is wise - I read the comments and they were at best confusing and unclear as to whether he was just referring to gang members or all immigrants. But given some of his other comments, it could have been the latter.
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

Academic Resistance
‏ @AcademicResist
15h15 hours ago

Replying to @AP @brithume

Everyone knows exactly who he meant. Not sure why you fall for this nonsense. #TrumpIsRacist
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🌎 tmarie
May 17
Replying to @AP

We HEARD him!
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‏ @daveylad1892
23h23 hours ago

Replying to @AP

regardless of who you support, this is everything that's wrong with the poor side of journalism. embarrassing in so many ways right down to the apologetic tweet (too late) and with no apology.
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‏ @JRCHeller
May 17

Replying to @AP

Excellent admission, thank you for being real journalists. THANK GOD we still have the @AP
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Marc Blackwell
‏ @marcolblackwell
20h20 hours ago

Replying to @AP

That’s too bad.And it doesn’t matter. He TREATS ALL immigrants like animals, so the claim that he was only speaking of gang members is a lie
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‏ @ResethO
15h15 hours ago

Replying to @AP

It was clear from the beginning.
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‏ @amys_bus_ticket
11h11 hours ago

Replying to @AP

If you run the full quote verbatim, there's no reason to delete the AP tweet.

Please do YOUR job.
(Not *their job.)

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🇵🇷 Feisty Boricua Ⓥ #ThrowThemOut
May 17
Replying to @AP

Here is Trump feeding pigeons
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C Kim Lemieux
‏ @Ckimoo
18h18 hours ago

Replying to @AP

He was speaking ABOUT MS 13 gang members, NOT “after.” Can u get nothing tight?!?! I think u can! U just don’t want to and that makes u an enemy of democracy.
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

Kevin Cosio
‏ @Kevin_Cosio
4h4 hours ago

Replying to @AP

@CanesEDIT this isn’t infowars, or Any conservative media here’s a mainstream media outlet. There’s more but still to make a point
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‏ @AwakenNevada
20h20 hours ago

Replying to @AP

Thank you for making the correction. #JournalisticIntegrity #FreePress 🇺🇲 #FactsMatter
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Tracy H. Sutton
‏ @TKathrynSutton
17h17 hours ago

Replying to @AP

OMG! Buffalo Girl has issues to say the least!
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‏ @LivingLiberalKS
19h19 hours ago

Replying to @AP

Gatekeeper doesn't mean cowering to right wing pressure. The disgrace of modern journalism is news agencies telling people what they want to hear, instead of what they need to hear. Money over truth. #AP
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Ryan Morin
‏ @sizzakamomo
May 17

Replying to @AP

finally being fair when it comes to talking about trump for once!
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Saved By The Blood
‏ @vonzion
6h6 hours ago

Replying to @AP

Yes. It was clear.
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Alex Raposa
‏ @pikapp402
May 17

Replying to @AP

It actually was made clear. Glad you backtracked. Usually good journalism from you guys.
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13h13 hours ago
Replying to @AP

This is what good journalism is. Owning up to your mistakes and clarifying
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‏ @ImmaaBananaa
14h14 hours ago

Replying to @AP

We appreciate yall being transparent.
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Jon Alper
‏ @Jon_Alper
11h11 hours ago

Replying to @AP

The fuller context did nothing to make the comment any less vile.

We need a free press dammit!
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L H Fields
‏ @fields_hl
17h17 hours ago

Replying to @AP

Nevertheless, people should not be referred in that way.
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‏ @KravGal
12h12 hours ago

Replying to @AP

It wasn’t made clear if you’re an idiot and didn’t do any research...
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Kimberly Templeman
‏ @KimbieT
7h7 hours ago

Replying to @AP @brithume

Who got fired ?
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16h16 hours ago
Replying to @AP

AP is always deleting tweets because they just can’t seem to get correct information
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‏ @Kimberl67645744
8h8 hours ago

Replying to @AP @IngrahamAngle

It was made CLEAR that he was talking about MS-13 IF YOU TOOK THE TIME TO WATCH THE ENTIRE MEETING!.
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‏ @msjdubey
18h18 hours ago

Replying to @AP

You crawl when asked to bend
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Karen Cooney
‏ @KCooney3
May 18

Replying to @AP

The MS 13 connection wasn’t made until after he called illegals animals. Shame on AP for removing the post.
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North Easton
‏ @north_easton
21h21 hours ago

Replying to @AP

That's not an improvement.
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

Gary Smith
‏ @Matwork21
May 18

Replying to @AP

@ap perhaps you should try reporting facts for a change instead of making up your own spin.
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

Luther P Miller
‏ @lupaul67
May 17

Replying to @AP

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John Stroud
‏ @j_p_stroud
18h18 hours ago

Replying to @AP

But Nazis are still good people.
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

May 17

Replying to @AP

Was he himself speaking about gang members though? There's nothing clear either way except he himself referred to people coming into the country. Body and facial language in his video suggest that he wasn't paying attention to what his guest specifically said.
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15h15 hours ago
Replying to @AP

3D-logo-mockup steemit logo change.jpg


The Demoncrats, all of them, are criminals, agents hired by the banking cartel, the Clowns in America, the Deep State, to carry-out their bidding and help them in their crimes. This is the truth. They all need to be locked-up by our upcoming Citizens Grand Juries. We will try and arrest them all.

Please see this also:

The Power Structure Hierarchy of the New World Order Pyramid.

Please have a look at this also :



Lift The Veil chats with Q SOURCE X.

(The Clowns attack the block-chain connection of those who expose this. Clowns using a quantum computer to spy on people and knock them off of Steemit).

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