Another 21 books banned from High School libary!

in #madisonlast year


Fascist-leaning Christian zealots in Madison, VA are banning books from the high-school library.

I can't get past the irony of the very first book on the list being Margaret Atwood's "Handmaid's Tale".

If any readers happen to know anyone with children in this district, I will happily buy them or their friends any book on this list, and I'll throw in a copy of The Handmaid's Tale as well.

If you have or know a high-school student, ask them if "Handmaid's Tale" is in their school library. If not, I'd love to send that library a copy for free.

Anti-literacy religious zealots have names. These particular names are Nita Collier, Christopher Wingate, and Greg Martz.

It will surprise absolutely no one that the profession of one of these midwits (Collier) is MLM "supplement" peddler.

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