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RE: Americans, what does "Made in America" make you think when you hear it?

We need to really stop taxing the heck out of everyone and start getting companies back into the USA. They just keep taxing more and more to try and get ahead and all this does is creates less income as it scares more people away.

However honestly my opinion if your in jail then you should work for your food etc just like we all do outside of jail. Its not our fault and nor should we the tax payer have to pay to house and feed you just saying bro.


Sure, prisoners should work, but they should be performing labor that benefits all Americans since it is tax dollars that pays for their prison stay. They should be growing food/gardens so they can feed themselves and donate what they dont eat to poor/homeless Americans.

They should NOT be performing labor that increases the revenue/profits of a private corporation because that corporation pays prisoners pennies per hour so they dont have to hire Americans who are not in prison and pay them a living wage.

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