Canada goldenrod / Kanadische Goldrute / Solidago canadensis (Free Cultural Works by @schamangerbert)

English - German

Canada goldenrod

This very large flower has spread considerably in my garden in recent years. She is an invasive neophyte so I will try to remove her from my garden. But right now, in the flowering stage, I can not intervene because it is visited by numerous insects, bees and bumblebees throughout the day.


Kanadische Goldrute

Diese sehr große Blume hat sich in den letzten Jahren erheblich in meinem Garten ausgebreitet. Sie ist ein invasiver Neophyt und daher werde ich versuchen sie wieder aus meinem Garten zu entfernen. Doch gerade jetzt, im Blühstadium kann ich nicht eingreifen, da sie von zahlreichen Insekten, Bienen und Hummeln den ganzen Tag über besucht wird.






The hairiness of the stem is a criterion of determination to distinguish it from the giant goldenrod.

Die Behaarung des Stängels ist ein Kriterium der Bestimmung, um sie von der Riesen-Goldrute zu unterscheiden.




Canon EOS 200D + Macro lens Tamron SP 60mm
All photos are "Free Cultural Works" by @schamangerbert.
You are free to: Share, Adapt with Attribution and ShareAlike.

How-To Attribution


See you next time! / Bis nächstes Mal!

Thank you for your attention! / Danke für Deine Aufmerksamkeit!

Original content by

        Schaman Gerbert        IMG_6013kkk-th112.JPG



Thank you!

Great images.You are so lucky to have these flowers in your backyard. Are you sure you want to remove them? The number of insects they attract would be enough reason for me to leave them alone :)
The last image seems a bit out of line with the other ones, was that one taken in your backyard as well?

Removing this plants makes room for other ones, so no big deal.
Yes, the ladybug was just in my house after I took the photos today, so I took some images and released it.

Thank you for your reply. I understand.
Forgot to mention, I like that you include an overview of the flower next to the macro images. It makes it more easy to determine dimensions of the macro objects.
I like the third image best.

Excellent yellow macro collection with Bumble bees.. your every photoshoot so perfect and the most important you have a garden with exclusive yellow flower...

True, the change of colors during the year is amazing.

Icredible photography in macro mode with bee and the yellow flower, and pretty good looking the bug black spot on yellow.

friend @schamangerbert this garden photo is too wonderful, your photo sections are too incredible I loved the yellow one of my favorites is too see the combination with black dots greetings

Nice photography. Yellow color is awesome. Thanks sir.

You are welcome!

nicht irgenwie konsumierbar oder dergleichen? Habe sie nie als Neophyt wahrgenommen, gut zu wissen. Aber vielleicht ist hier der Boden auch nicht ideal

Medizinisch ist nur die Gewöhnliche Goldrute (Solidago virgaurea) benutzt.

Those small flowers look so delicate when zooming in! So many fat bees in your garden! This year I notice there are less big bees in my garden as villagers have been using too much chemical in controlling pests and in fertilizer.

3 years after the bees die the humans dies too!

This is a serious problem! We are going to have food shortage in the future!! I hope the bees will come back many folds.

Ich dachte zuerst es sei ein Goldrute! danke dir für die Erwähnung des Bestimmungsmerkmal! Wieder was gelernt!

Beste Grüße

Man muß schon genau hinsehen um eine eindeutige Bestimmung vornehmen zu können, wobei ich kein Botaniker bin und dies auch nur mache um die Pflanzen in meinem Garten zu kennen.

Excellent and beautiful at the same time this was very interesting to see : )

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