The War against unitedstatean software corps ! go Macron !!! the case of uber...

in #macron5 years ago

Io !
as always those filthy sons and daughters of hell (americans of the united states of north america) have been exposed...

So they do always the same trick : provide free money to their operatives, and attempt to rape native french corporations to take the market and then put us into "reservations".

With Uber, they rape the taxis (I know... I am not a fan, but still) with their uber free cash system, until everyone is out, then they raise the price or worst censor location (like the taxis, but that's another debate).

it's important, I guess, for mental peace to consider the north americans of the usa as beasts. not animals, but beasts of hell...

so what to do? TAX THEM TO DOOM !!! special taxes directed at them, only. targeted. and if they don't want to pay start the kidnapping of their executives.

I firmly believe France is at war against America, and we didn't started it, look what they intend to do with their food poisoning projects.

However I think the americans have never been weaker in recent history, it's really a great time to take back our independence and sovereignty !


at let's make peace and true friendships with every people on earth (they all like paris :D) and repair major state relation :

  1. russia send them their helicopter carrier for free, gift, compensation for having been stupid (only 1, I guess they bought 2).

  2. visit to China ! even if the central admin is too buzy, there are many things to see and people to meet ! ie never let the americans from hell (usa) to interfer in the relation in the mainland

  3. let's trade with Iran... normally france shouldn't ask anyone to be able to trade with anyone, but after the visit in russia and china and if both agree that france should be able to trade with anyone, and specially iran, let's do it.

that would make the americans from hell, furious, but what could they do? be safe ! yeah... that's what they will do !

they will treat you like an indian... ie a native american... they don't care about you, or the people you represent...

what else? this one is great...

ask for a military ultra death squad from china and russia, and take over the american so called embassy in paris, or space strike it... this harvesting data, rape and criminality outpost must be gone !

I know it's hard to accept that the americans could be at war against us, but look at what they did to the natives... they keep their so called thank you party (what ever they call it, thanks giving, or what ever, I am in neuroreframing phaze, and some must go), and still reduced them to... yeah... look you know.

have a great day, long live the camembert ! and moderation is only for bad reds...

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