Macron wins in FrancesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #macron7 years ago

Well this time the polls were right and Macron won with a good margin. Is this good for France? I think it is, I think Madame Le Pen, even though I do think she had some good points was just too absolute in her programs, and there always has to be a niddle ground, which I think Macron represents a little better. Is the right finished? No, the right also has some good ideas, this is where I think a good president should be able to reconcile the differences, take the better parts of each candidates, and I mean all candidates and try to make things work for France. Their are muslim extremist problems, yes, but they are not as big as the sensationalist press makes them out to be, I live in Honduras we have about 8 million people and unfortunately we have about 14 murders a day, what difference does it make if you are killed by a jihadist or by gangs? No we have to find a way to curtail these acts, call them terrorists or whatever but we have to do it together, if you are from the right work with the center and the left, make life better for everyone. Economically try to have a more equitable distribution of wealth, I mean what does a person need billions for? You can only eat so much, you can only sleep so much so a person doesn't really need billions, I am not against a person getting rich, but I want him to get rich because he worked for it, not because he lobbied and got a lot of tax exemptions , I am also aware that a rich person investing his money creates wealth and jobs therefore a better life for more people, this is all for the good.I don't want tax havens.

In the US I think Mr Trump should be willing to work with democrats, or do you really think the smart people are all republicans or vice versa? I think the US should try for more dialog, and most of all invest in third world economies and not in this maquila stuff, which is only a way for corporations to have their products made on the cheap in detriment of people in the US or Europe who lose good paying jobs for this. No let's try to get the third world to produce clean renewable energy, have forests that are again lungs for the planet, we need this. And as for petroleum as long as we need it, let's make drilling for it more environmental friendly and let's find ways to recycle it's by products so they don't become problems for nature. This is of course very wishful thinking but if everyone does a little we can get out of most of our problems, like for example let's treat garbage as it should be treated not make it a health hazard.

In the UK, you voted for Brexit, try to make it work, fighting between the leavers and remainers does the UK no good, try to at least come out of it with a deal that even though it won't be so good in the near future will eventually have you back to at least where you are right now, and hopefully better. But for that you have to be together and work with the EU to strive for a common ground that is not so harmful for either side. Hate is bad, it leads nowhere.

We are in a very difficult time right now and we need ideas, work and most of all solidarity, let's do away with hate, I liked the way Madame LePen conceded, I think she knows some of her policies are not as good as she thought and she is powerful enough to lead France to a better future.

Now I know most of you will think I am a deluded old fool, but the shape the world is in now, I think it's time we alltried to make some improvements. Let's look after the real poor, those that aren't sure if they'll eat tomorrow, thati s a start, and even though writingabout it doesn't help much, if enough people write some good can come of it.

Thanks for reading and forgive me if I've made this too long, but sometimes I can't stop writing, which is good for my not so good blogging skills.

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