Blue beetle | Kumbang biru

in #macro7 years ago (edited)


Dear stemians

This time, I want share the beauty of macro images with friends stemians.

Blue beetle that has a very small body shape I found in the garden was perched on the leaves of sugarcane and leaves of wild plants.

Some of the images that I produce blur and lack detail because of the light and the ability of MI4 smartphone camera that is less support for objects that are too small.


Bahasa Indonesia

Kali ini, saya kembali berbagi keindahan gambar makro dengan sahabat stemians.

Kumbang biru yang memiliki bentuk tubuh yang sangat kecil ini saya temukan di kebun sedang hinggap pada daun tebu dan daun tanaman liar.

Beberapa gambar yang saya hasilkan blur dan kurang detail karena cahaya dan kemampuan kamera smartphone MI4 yang kurang mendukung untuk objek-objek yang terlalu kecil. Atau kemampuan saya yang kurang, he he,


Thank you for seeing and reading this simple post..!


nice photography friend 👌👌

Thanks a lot 😉

you r most wlqm

It's a shame about the little bit of blur but it's still really good for a smartphone! That bug looks incredible!

Thanks for support, i really appreciate it :)

You're welcome, likewise!

Semoga beruntung dan semoga anda bisa mendapatkan smartphone yang lebih tinggi dan berkualitas

Amin, terimakasih banyak sahabat @saifulramadhan

Its awesome shot ! Beautiful photo !!

Hai @harferri! Selamat! Tulisan anda masuk di Trend Tulisan Bulan Lalu kategori Tren Jumlah Bayaran Rata-rata, di ..

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