Combination Photography Contest Week 4 Entry #1 [.Aggresively Fire Kingdom of Ants]

in #macro7 years ago


Greetings Steemian!

This is my first time competing in @papa-pepper photography contest. Thanks to him for brought this competition up!

I'ts a very sunny day in my hometown.

In my house, there is a mango tree that have a very large number of fire ants (In Java Island when I was lived there, it is named Semut Rangrang). The species of fire ants on my mango tree is Oecophylla smaragdina or so called Weaver Ants or Green Ants.

Di rumahku, ada pohon mangga yang sangat banyak semut merahnya (Di Pulau Jawa ketika aku tinggal disana, mereka menyebutnya Semut Rangrang). Semut merah ini adalah spesies Oecophylla smaragdina atau dapat dibilang semut hijau.

The color of weaver ants is very variative,  from reddish to yellowish brown dependent on the species and food. 

Warna dari semut ini sangat variatif, dari kemerahan hingga coklat kekuningan tergantung dari spesies dan makanannya.

Weaver ants abdomen is very clear if it's full of liquid. The workers are very active working in daylight. On afternoon, they began to walking back home.

Perut dari semut ini sangat bening jika penuh dengan cairan makanan. Semut pekerjanya sangat aktif di siang hari. Pada sore hari, mereka mulai berjalan pulang ke sarangnya.

Their nest is made of white thread attached from leaves to leaves, and sewed neatly. Weaver ants worker are very teritorrial, if you came closer to their nest or food bank, they gonna aggressively defend their territories against intruders (it is you). 

Sarangnya terbuat dari benang putih yang dijahit dari daun ke daun secara rapih. Semut pekerjanya sangat teritorial, jika kamu terlalu dekat dengan sarangnya atau makanannya, mereka akan sangat agresif mempertahankan wilayahnya terhadap pengganggu itu (ya, itu kamu).

Canon 600D | f1.8 | 1/2000 sec | ISO-250 | 50mm STM


 All of this photos is taken by @dimensco. As always I appreciate your support and welcome your feedback! 

If you want to ask about photography from me, please upvote and leave comment. I really appreciate if you spending your time discussing it with me :)


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