The Beauty of Wasp in Photography Using Macro Lens (Billingual)

in #macro7 years ago (edited)

Hi steemians ... Today i want to share some beautiful bee macro photos. I photographed it using a cell phone camera xiao with an additional macro lens. I hope you like this...

Hai steemians ... Hari ini saya ingin berbagi beberapa foto makro si tawon yang cantik ini. Saya memotretnya menggunakan kamera ponsel dengan tambahan lensa makro.


I found this bee while walking home a friend. This animal is very dangerous. he could have stung. I was scared too when shooting it. He flies here and there. a challenge also to me.

Saya menemukan si lebah ini saat sedang berjalan kerumah teman.binatang ini sangat bahaya.dia bisa saja menyengat.saya takut juga saat memotretnya.dia terbang kesana kemari.suatu tantangan juga bagi saya.



This is about wasp. In this world there are about 75,000 known wasp species. most of them live as parasites by putting their eggs on the bodies of other animals.

Sedikit info tentang tawon. Di dunia ini ada sekitar 75.000 spesies tawon yang sudah diketahui. sebagian besar dari mereka hidup sebagai parasit dengan meletakkan telurnya di tubuh hewan lain.

Location: Bireun - Aceh - Indonesia

I hope you like this.. Thank you for visiting my blog..

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Nice pics of insect! 251% upvoted Thanks!


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