Fauna in Italy - Animals, birds and insects that live in various regions of my country. Insects. [ENG/ITA] by adriano. Fauna italiana. Animali, uccelli e insetti. Vari.

in #macro6 years ago

Insects with miniature brains can be as smart as larger and more evolved animals. According to estimates, to accomplish mental abilities to count, only a few hundred nerve cells are needed. And several more hundreds are more than just necessary for an animal to become a conscious being, and not a living robot automatically, as it is believed to date.

Insetti con cervelli in miniatura possono essere intelligenti come gli animali più grandi e evoluti. Secondo le stime, per avere l’abilità mentali da poter contare, sono necessarie solo poche centinaia di cellule nervose. E molte altre centinaia sono più del necessario per far diventare un animale un essere cosciente, e non un robot vivente, come si credeva finora.

An Steemit original/All photos are mine. Thanks for visiting. Ciao!



thank you

even though humans and animals are different, but we remain on the same planet.

thanks a lot

amazing photography sir ... :)

thank u

beautiful insects with colors. Your photos , details appear. Good job


Nice photography. That second shot is particularly nice and really clear. It's markings are rather pretty close-up. Great macro work!

thank you

Beautiful macro photography, the last shot is amazing.

thanks a lot

Some of those caterpillars look so prickly! Awesome macro shots :).

thank you

Particularly I find excellent photographs, insects are fascinating creatures, with a range of very striking colors and a versatility to confuse with the environment.

thanks a lot

really wonderful macrophotography I like it thank you @adrianobalan

thanks a lot

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