Two signs you shouldn't early warning sign of pancreatic cancer

in #m11 months ago


lurks in human health
Pancreatic cancer is referred to as a “silent” disease because there are usually no symptoms in the early stages.
researchers have identified two previously unknown early symptoms that can be observed and help doctors better diagnose the disease.

In addition to the most common symptoms, such as yellowing of the skin and bleeding in the stomach and intestines, experts in a study conducted last year highlighted two warning signs of the disease, namely an increased feeling of thirst and a dark yellow colour. Urine.

"When pancreatic cancer is diagnosed early, patients have a better chance of survival," said Dr. Weki Liao from Oxford University.

of Addenbrooke Hospital, Cambridge, said: "It is important to be aware of the early symptoms of pancreatic cancer. These findings can help doctors and their patients learn more about the signs of pancreatic cancer, and it's important for people to talk to their doctor if they notice these symptoms."

According to Cancer Research UK, only 5 per cent of people with the disease survive more than 10 years after diagnosis.

According to the UK National Health Service, pancreatic cancer is most common in people over the age of 75 and is not common in people under 40.
Common Symptoms of the Disease.

Abdominal pains extending to the back.
loss of appetite or weight loss without dieting.
bright stools
skin itching
blood clots

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