Stop lying so much!

in #lying7 years ago

Isn't "think before you speak" the same as "lying"? Were we trained to lie?

As with all my vlogs, I'm just letting it flow, I'm not saying this is a right or wrong way of looking at things, I'm just trying to spark thought and conversation.



Being someone who has endless problems in life, due to my unwillingness to lie, I have come to understand the difference between manipulation, dissembling, or blatant deception, and giving thought to how other people will receive what I say. What goes on inside one person's head is not necessarily the same as how another person will perceive it. The words that I use, somehow, are, almost always, seemingly, carefully misunderstood by the hearer to be negative, but it is only the way that I think and communicate. In 'walking on eggshells' around thin skinned, weak willed people, am I lying, or am I trying to be sensitive to the needs of others?

In 1 Corinthians 9:22 Paul says, "To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all men, so that by all possible means I might save some of them." Additionally, Paul also said, seeming to contradict himself, in Ephesians 4:15, "Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into Christ Himself, who is the head."

I'm not sure how much of a Christian I've ever been, but this is what I was taught growing up. The most powerful lesson I ever learned about deceit was when I caught myself believing a lie that I, myself, had invented. It scared me so much I decided to tell the truth, even if it cost me everything, at least I would still have my mind, and be true to myself. Without these, nothing else is worth anything.

In this age of easily damaged snowflake feelings, this is becoming increasingly difficult.

"When a man lies, he murders some part of the world. These are the pale deaths that men miscall their lives." Cliff Burton
I will not lie to save myself or the feelings of others and, for this, I am the bad guy. Our world has turned into a cesspit of liars and thieves and the honorable man is the outcast. How is this even close to OK? Man has become a cowardly, self serving, self saving bunch of pain avoiders. This is not the way it should be. You should demand the truth and call out the liar for what he is. SCUM If someone cares so little for you that they deny you basic truth, they should not be allowed to share time with you. Everyone deserves the respect of the truth. Except the government, fuck those guys.

What a freekin mess you are. I hated this and would never UPvote or follow you.
I can't believe I followed your advise. phtttttttt.

lol, all SD made from this post will go to bailing you out

That's great to know.
#whispers > are you lying to me?*

Ahhh but you are assuming think before you speak means someone is on the lying train of thought for your mindset here.

It does not necessarily mean that.

Sometimes you just need to phrase something properly, or in a different way, for your audience.

which has nothing to do with lying.

On a related tip, even the bible tells us to be "slow to speak" -- which obviously has nothing to do with lying.

Something to think about here my man.

Your non lying friend in Canadastan, Barry.

Good point, taken literally you are correct. But in my experience, when an adult tells a child to "think before you speak" they aren't talking about "phasing something properly'... they're talking about not telling your next door neighbour that she's fat. but maybe that's just my upbringing lol

Wow LOL!!!!! Hahahahahaha!

Did you see my posts today man? I am sure you will like perhaps 66.7 % of them!

I have to get offline with my headaches but I will chat with you soon, I am enjoying the increased interaction with you.

I assumed you were always in the GTA area, find me on the twitter / DM me and keep in touch.

Jays game was ugly tonite-- boooooooo Yankees!

I have found that much of my internal dialogue is not worth paying much attention to myself let alone telling to someone else or acting upon. I don't consider watching these thoughts come and go and not disclosing them lying. Many of my thoughts are the product of a difficult childhood and massive struggles passed down from many generations of people. It is seldom worth burdening future generations with them.

The happier thoughts do spontaneously flow about better. I suppose one could be lying about them too though by your logic. Interesting talk.

All games have rules. Just sayin'.

Being a parent I know from experience what things can come out of a child's mouth, that's why I try teaching them to think before they talk. It's not always truths... Children can be pretty cruel.

Btw. have you read Lord of flies?

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