The END as I see it,,,

in #lvdsa4 years ago (edited)

It is becoming more obvious EVERY day that the Republican Government is doing everything they can to BANKRUPT AMERICA. Starting with Mitch McConnell and going all the way through to Steve Mnuchin, Donald drumpf and even Nancy Pelosi that the Federal Government is trying to steal America from the Majority of Americans.
Steve Mnuchin had illegally foreclosed on 1.5 million households in CA with the assistance of Kamal Harris who did not prosecute Mnuchin while he broke so many lending laws that they were not countable. Instead of prosecuting Mnuchin, she instead chose to jail parents of delinquent youth. Makes sense to her, I guess. Nancy Pelosi doesn’t give a RIP about the constituents that she represents locking herself away bragging about eating $12.00 a pint ice cream and DOVE CHOCOLATE. Pelosi has made, through back channel means, over $100 million. Mitch McConnell’s ONLY CLAIM to success is the fact that he successfully filibustered over 265 Bills that would have benefited the citizens of this country, including the citizens of HIS OWN STATE.
Drumpf’s absolute denial of the Corona Virus (COVID-19) has resulted in more deaths in this country than ANY OTHER PLACE IN THE WORLD. And now that it is finally beginning to slow its spread, drumpf wants to RE-OPEN the Country which has already begun to accelerate its spread. HOW ABSOLUTELY STUPID can one person be? And this is your PRESIDENT?????
With this record joe biden MIGHT get himself, somehow, elected. In this case he will be saddled with a VP as a running mate that will take over as Pres. within 6 months as he will be declared “INCOMPETANT”. Is this what everyone wants? Put the failing GRANDPA through 1.5 years of ELDER ABUSE, get him into office, then put in the shill that will support WALL STREET? REALLY, is this the outcome YOU all think will benefit this COUNTRY? Mitch, out

© Mitchell 2020-05-07

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