I guess I am NOT a "good little Democrat"

in #lvdsa4 years ago (edited)

Something has been brought to my attention and I was told that because of my upbringing and service time I probably would not make a very good democrat. I was brought up to speak my mind, stand strong in my beliefs and to proceed on the course of right. Well, it was brought to my attention that these days most Democrats are to polite and kind so I would be called “Abrasive” and a “Non-party” participant. I do tend to speak out and act on my convictions. Except when it comes to promoting myself, with that I kind of fail, miserably.
I received an email today from NVDEMS and they asked if I would join with them. They explained that they had “just joined with the DNC, DCCC and several other cow tow private corporations that have mired the Democratic Party in muck and deceit for the last 40+ years. To me, joining them is NOT an accomplishment, instead it would be a derogatory mark on a résumé. When I heard the attorneys from the DNC in 2016 bragging that it was their choice WHO is going to be the Democratic Candidate for President I almost moved out of the Country. Yeah, this one I fought for during Vietnam. When does a PRIVATE Corporation have any right to dictate to me who is going to be my choice for ANYTHING? The DCCC is just as bad with the likes of Steny Hoyer telling candidates who is going to run, even though campaigns hadn’t even started yet.
My question is “Do I want to belong to any organization that I feel is detrimental to a Democratic Way of life for a REPUBLIC?”
I just don’t know, to be honest. I volunteered to be a delegate for Bernie Sanders for President when I still thought Tom Perez, et al would play fair. Then the IOWA caucus went forward and the little POS Pete Buttigieg started announcing he won, before ANY of the count was done and nobody said anything, not even Bernie Sanders. Then the CA primary came along and the DNC effectively halted the counts until 4-14-2020 in which Bernie Sanders won 36% of the vote, Biden got 27.9% and everyone else went down from there with buttigieg 4.3%, Warren with 13.2% but yet the DNC stated that the winner in CA. was Biden? I do not know where Tom Perez went to school, but his Math skills SUCK!
I am so frustrated with the DNC et al. that I am not sure I want to be a delegate any longer. Tom (I’m not going to put my finger on the scale) Perez has turned out to be a BIGGER liar than Debbie Wasserman Schultz ever was. This is the second time that this blatant of a RIP OFF was pulled off in 2 consecutive elections. HOW can the American People allow this to continue going forward. How can the American People allow a PRIVATE Company dictate to them who is going to be president? Simple, to much brainwashing from the National News Media machine. With people like Rachel Maddow and Shawn Hannratty (Hannity) lying to them EVERY day and not one single person rebutting them, what else is there to do but simply acquiesce?
This brief note is why I probably would not make a good Democrat. I look at things and say what I feel, even though it might hurt some miniscule celebrity’s feelings. I DO NOT agree with the DNC in any fashion. I DO NOT agree with how they are ruining this Country and the way people are allowing them to do it.

© Mitchell 2020-05-06

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