drumpf wants to deploy thousands of "Heavily armed" WHAT?

in #lvdsa4 years ago

I continually am amazed at the audacious STUPIDITY of donald j drumpf. Yeah, all lower case as he deserves NO RESPECT from me or anyone else. Citizens of this country have a legitimate grievance against the Law and Order segment of the Country and drumpf says this; “You have to dominate, if you don’t dominate you’re wasting your time,” Trump said, according to a recording of the call obtained by ABC News. “They’re gonna run over you, you’re gonna look like a bunch of jerks. You have to dominate.” And he expects a FREE POPULACE to just acquiesce to ‘his demands” without listening to theirs? This F****** IDIOT is going to talk about the 1807 “Insurrection Act” and compare the beginning of the Civil War to what is going on RIGHT NOW? He needs to go back to grade school and learn a little bit about U.S. history. The one he wants to think about is from 1775 called the “Boston Tea Party” and how IT began the “REVOLUTIONARY WAR”. He is nothing but a miniscule wannabe tyrant that had his daddy buy his way out of the DRAFT just to avoid Vietnam. He is NOTHING BUT A COWARD who just can’t be seen crying or DADDY will think he is weak.

What is really sad to me is just a tiny detail that also has to do with the state of OUR GOVERNMENT, Not one single Congressional member will say ANYTHING to try stopping this mad escalation. Our Congress is made up of nothing but COWARDLY PUPPETS who do NOTHING for this Country WE HIRED THEM to represent US with.

Are we tired of this NONSENSE YET? We seriously need to VOTE OUT EVERY incumbent member of Congress; EVERY ONE of THEM has to go! We must have honest representation in ALL LEVELS of GOVERNMENT! We MUST take back CONTROL of OUR LIVES, not give it all to that small minded wanna be dictator! This little POS president that we have should NEVER have been. The instant that his “bone spur” deferment was found, he should have been gone. If it wasn’t for “Mediocre” Mitch McConnell and “Limited IQ” Lindsay Graham he would have been gone from the impeachment. Nancy Pelosi backed off from that saying “I would rather see him in prison than impeached” and refused to charge him with Constitutional Violations. Drumpf’s EVERY ACTION is CONTEMPT of CONGRESS which I must admit, I agree with, however, if you or I was to try whatever he did by telling people to IGNORE THE SUBPEONAS that Congress issued, we would have been in JAIL. His latest is a blatant violation of “Posse Comitatus” in that these protest ARE NOT an insurrection. No Person is trying to overthrow the Government, he just wants the headlines. Mitch, disgustedly OUT.

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