Lunar Eclipse | 20180728steemCreated with Sketch.

in #lunareclipse6 years ago


Lunar Eclipse

At the end of the night you are covered with light
From all over the world
The majesty of nature, the mystery of God
Black moon

I was stunned, not knowing tomorrow
Either this is a good sign or a natural cycle
Does anyone know all the secrets behind this?
They answered silently

I am deep in hope and prayer
They also fell silent as the prostration began to take place
No joy from all faces
What are we afraid of?

We are afraid of nature
We forget You who was created it
Forgive us for any mistakes
O Almighty God, soften our hearts to return to your path

Original poem is in Indonesia

Gerhana Bulan

Di ujung malam engkau selimuti cahaya
Dari segenap penjuru dunia
Kemegahan alam, rahasia Tuhan
Bulan hitam

Aku terpana, tidak tahu akan hari esok
Entah ini pertanda baik atau siklus alam semata
Adakah yang tahu segala rahasia dibalik ini semua?
Hanya bahasa kelu yang kudapatkan

Langit semakit muram saat sepertiga malam
Tiada yang dapat mengekspresikannya
Lantunan azan sahut menyahut beriring doa
Semoga Tuhan masih merahmati bumi dan segala isinya

Aku larut dalam harap dan doa
Mereka juga terdiam saat sujud mulai dijalankan
Tiada kegembiraan dari semua wajah
Apa yang kami takutkan?

Kami takut kepada alam
Kami lupa pada Mu yang menciptakannya
Maafkan kami atas segala kekhilafan
Duhai yang Maha lembut, lembutkanlah hati kami agar kembali ke jalanMu

Thanks to all the friends who has helped me in writing. Thanks to all the creative communities for their support. Thanks to all who love my poetry

happiness are achieved by struggling and patiently undergoing the process
the ability to accept reality will explain who you really are

images source 1 2 3 4

Thank You

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