Master Lu Jun Hong

in #lujunhong7 years ago

Caller: Hi Master Lu, my child is very hard to discipline. My child does not listen to me, no matter what I say or how I say it. What should I do?
Master Lu: There are many possible reasons for children to misbehave.
First of all, you should not use the analytical mind of adults to interpret the naive and playful nature of children.
Generally, if a child does not like to study or listen to you, you can recite the Heart Sutra (Xin Jing) for the child and sincerely ask Guan Yin Bodhisattva to grant the child wisdom.
If a child is always having conflicts with their parents or family members, it may be due to negative karmic ties from previous lives or the child may have come into the parents’ lives to collect karmic debts. The recitation of the Mantra to Untie Karmic Knots (Jie Jie Zhou) is also required.
Another possible reason is that there are Karmic Creditors or foreign spirits occupying the body of the child (could be a child that was aborted or miscarried by the mother). Then the recitation of Little Houses would be required.
Metaphysics Q&A 127 – Disciplining misbehaved children18620492_1950580828509670_8121035631318371296_n.jpg

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