The 100,000x Memecoin!

in #lube2 months ago

Seems like everyone and their mom has a Memecoin to shill, whether that is $EARN, or $Catboy, or $LUBE, everyone wants you on the bandwagon to take that ride to the stars!

Memecoins are the comical Deputy Barney Fife to the more serious Sheriff Andy Griffith. Dogecoin to Bitcoin, Catboy to Ethereum.

Some tokens, like $EARN, might say no thank you, we actually have tokenomics of spreading the wealth of 2% of transaction to every holder, and a burn contract — but in the end, much like pure memecoins, it’s momentum, and community adoption that drives the price skywards.

My first foray into the murky waters of memecoins was in November of 2021. Seemed like anything Doggie related were booming, riding on the tailcoat of the DOGEcoin frenzy that occurred earlier in May of 2021.

Dogecoin went from $0.0029 on November 19th, 2020 to $0.56 six months later on May 14, 2021. A rise of 19,210%. Deposit $10,000 on November 19th, and you would see it turn into $192,100.

Shiba Inu ($SHIB) was my first taste of memecoin success. I rode $SHIB with $1k “invested” taking profits on the way up. I wound up with $25,000 in my pocket. But, if I had simply kept my funds in, from bottom to top it would have made me $250,000.

Coulda, woulda, shoulda.

I was happy I had the foresight to get anything out of SHIB.

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The story for many people with these coins is either they sell too early, or too late, and get near to nothing for their fear, anxiety and greed. They climbed the Wall of Worry, always wondering whether they should have sold it all.

What’s the Point?
From a Toxic Bitcoin Maxi perspective, anything not Bitcoin related detracts from the Dream. The dream of a currency that cannot be debased, cannot be inflated, not controlled by any Nation State or Global Financial Institution.

This is a deadly serious game, played against the largest Nation states in the world who can back up their decisions with real weapons with real consequences.

You’re either with us, or against us.

What you think is just a frivolous tossing of coin at a doggie token, is that much less you could have thrown at Bitcoin.

On the other Hand…

He tells the story of how Joseph Lubin, along with Vitalik Buterin, was one of the founders of Ethereum. But while Vitalik wanted a non-profit project, Joe Lubin was all about the profit.

Joe later split from Ethereum, and went on to create MetaMask, becoming one the richest people on the planet in the process by collecting 1% of every MetaMask transaction. Millions of dollars every day of every week of every year.

Now, Lubin is back at it with his own Ethereum Layer 2 chain called Linea. At first they had plans of a Linea coin that would be similar to how BNB is used for gas, but have since settled for using a Linea flavored version of ETH.

A meme token based on Joseph Lubin, wisecracking on an xxx-rated theme razzing it as $LUBE, is the only token you’ll see in your Metamask when you connect to the Linea chain.

Interestingly, Linea chain was stealth launched a couple days ago, and the only tokens listed are ETH…and $LUBE.

Linea, along with $LUBE, was Stealth launched, not well-known yet, but primed for a catapult of a rise. Linea, unlike Ethereum Chain, is fast (10k transactions per second) and super cheap. It’s like using Binance Chain except with Ethereum. And any Ethereum project can bridge over to Linea with ease.

And, lacking a BNB gas token, $LUBE is the token set for memecoin success.

Everyone wishes they could have known about a certain memecoin, a SHIB, or a DOGE from the very start, before their meteoric rise.

Well, $LUBE is one.

How to Buy $LUBE
Use Metamask to Bridge some ETH to the Linea version of ETH. (You could also use for the entire cross-bridge swap).

  1. Use Secta.Finance to swap Ethereum (Linea chain) to $LUBE:

Congratulations, you are now the proud owner of some $LUBE! Now go practice some safe defi you!
If you’d like to find out more about the details of the projects I am in, and how to participate, please go here:
Nothing in this article is intended to constitute investment advice. Neither the author nor the publication takes any responsibility or liability for any investments, profits or losses you may incur as a result of this information. Readers are encouraged to perform their own due diligence and research, or consult a licensed financial advisor or broker before making any and all investment decisions. This content is intended for general informational and educational purposes only. Though the author strives for accuracy, the data contained within the article cannot be relied upon. The author may own cryptocurrencies and tokens discussed in the article.

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