Love The Clouds # 25: Cloud Porn

in #lovetheclouds6 years ago

My entry to #lovetheclouds contest hosted by @tobetada is a photo I took last December.

Contest info Here

Kissing Clouds

Canon EOS Rebel T6
F/5 155mm ISO 400

Clouds form interesting patterns and figures.

To me the top clouds looks like a muscular man kissing the lower one.





it looks like a buffalo eating some grass to me lol

Oh, yes, I can see that!

Haha. I can see that it has the shape of the buffalo.

What! doesn’t seem romantic. 😂

Porn. Yes! Neat shot hun😋

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks Captain! 😊

I have to admit to seeing the buffalo not the man, but either way, it's a lovely photo.

Very interesting shape. For me it looks like a seal. 😀

Haha Neli. You and @candice( with her buffalo interpretation) are not making my lover cloud look very romantic. 😂

LOL sorry for killing the romance 😉

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