Love It or Shove It Challenge!

in #loveitshoveit6 years ago (edited)

This challenge was started by @snowpea and I was tagged by @inthenow.

So what do you really love? What would you rather not have in your life? These are the little things that make us unique! Get creative, and feel free to explain your reasons!

The Rules

Love it!

  1. Pie, any kind of pie. Okay, not prune pie or something weird like that but normal pie.

  2. My son. He makes me happy every time he calls and talks to me. It doesn't matter what he says. I love to see his smiling face.

  1. My Huge old maple tree in my backyard. It's old and offers shade in the Summer to cool off under. Shades my house in Summer when it's hot so keeps my house cooler too. Brings beauty into my life. Brings me peace just looking at it.

  2. Being just me 😁 laughing, funny, crazy, me and being excepted as I am.

  3. Laughing so hard your sides hurt and you can not stop even if you try and when you finally stop laughing you need a nap because you are exhausted from laughing so hard.

Five Shove it!

  1. Coconut. It hides everywhere! It's in really pretty looking cookies but you never know unless you try the cookie first and then you have to try and hide the rest of the cookie that you don't want to eat. 😝

  1. Lighter's going dead when it's the middle of the night and you don't have any matches but you have things that need to be lit. That can really drive a person batty! 😭

  2. Cleaning the kitchen and 2 minutes later Hubby coming home and making a HUGE mess and walking out of the kitchen not even knowing he made a mess. Insane! 😤

  3. Nuts in fudge. Never should the 2 be mixed. Ever! Nuts will take something 'melt in your mouth' wonderful and make it so you have to chew it. Yes, I still have all my teeth. 😬 just nuts should not ever be in fudge.

  4. Asparagus. It's grass. tastes like grass and whoever was the first person to try it as food had to be very, very, very hungry and was still very hungry after they ate it too.....because it's grass. 😶

Thanks for reading and I might have been a tad hungry while making up this list. Might........just a tad......Hungry......


Please follow @simgirlandsnook. This is the page where we will be posting the Sim Your Life show from and also the Bad Karaoke Contest!!!! Win SBD!! contest plus anything else @simgirl and I dream up and she makes me do! 😬

@mariannewest's Freewriters now have their own page called @freewritehouse!! This page will be offering all kinds of contests and lot's of fun things for you to do. If you want in on the fun click @freewritehouse and give it a follow too!! you will not be sorry you did! The community that Mariannewest has grown is filled with positive people that are ton's of fun to be around!!

Please take the time to vote for @enginewitty as a Witness.
He is a man that believes we all should be just who we are.
He goes out of his way to support others that stay true to themselves.
That kind of man I will stand behind any day of the week.



This is one of the best so far I have read, so funny if only because I know someone else who comes home and makes a mess then slopes off leaving it behind 😛 I like Coconut though - especially buying a fresh one and then scraping the inside out - tough things to crack but a tasty snack. Sitting under tree's in the summer is a great way to chill out with a good book - I can't wait for the snow and ice to leave so I can enjoy the outdoors again while still being able to feel my toes! Love this post, just perfect.

Thank you hugs and sorry it's all my brain has left for today. but wanted you to know I read your comment and it made me smile a LOT!!!

Great loveitshoveit! I agree with your shoveits LOL :-D Cleaning the kitchen certainly sux, and nuts in fudge.. not! And dam the lighter is missing... again... WTH? LMAO Have a great night!

Thanks :D and yes, the lighter thing is BAD LOLL

I love that you did this chsllage after all and you did it brilliant 😉 loved your way of writing this and you don't like coconuts? I loove it... Lol
Thank you for sharing this and for doing it Your way 🤗 love ❤️❤️

Thank you :D and yes, Family and all and you would have been sad........ and now you have to promise to never try and hide coconut in any food if I'm around LOLL <3

Haha that's an awesome write up. I love grass but I agree on nuts in fudge AND kitchen messes!

okay.then I can still be your friend LOLL because Fudge is really the most important thing in a friendship .......because someday we might have to share and if you would order it with nuts.......I don't know what would happen LOLLL

great post and I voted for @enginewitty too!

Thank you :D it was fun to do loll and he is a great Witness so thank you for that too!!

You are amazing! This contest is great and I loved your answers especially about the coconut.
Wow you and Sim doing a show is awesome !!
Love all the positivity and growth, the freewrites should be great too. Blessings.

Thank you and :D yes, it's a fun time to be on Steemit!!

yes it definitely is a fun time!!

wow, nice challenge. If you have the time, please look at the @comedyopenmic contest where I tagged you and simgirl

hubbies making a mess, that is also universal, sigh

Hubby's and messes are..........don't get me started and yes, I saw yours but isn't this week memes? I will go look <3

Done <3 just for you!!

thank you so much ♥

Noted: don't fix Asparagus and Coconut in any form for snookie :)

Thank Goodness!!!!!!!! now I can come visit you LOLLLLLL

but nuts are so good for our brains.... but yeah, pies are to die for, hehe

yes!!! but just not in fudge!! please :D

Thanks for sharing @snook. Good ones! Feels great to laugh till your sides ache.

it does :D thank you for stopping and reading!!

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