My Love It or Shove It Challenge Post

in #loveitshoveit6 years ago (edited)


I was nominated a week ago by @walkerland to join the fun on @snowpea's Love It Or Shove It Challenge, and my scatterbrained self is finally remembering to do it :)

The rules are:

Love Its

When it comes to the things I love, I'm not original at all.....

1 - God

No explanation really needed <3 only that I'm thankful for His love too! Quite fitting for Easter weekend!

2 - My family. Of course!!


The last presidential election turned me down the libertarian path and while I'm no expert on the finer points, the overall philosophy is, well, liberating. Living out in the sticks of a hillbilly state just reinforces it. I love just doing our own thing without interference and the longer we live here figuring out ways to be more self reliant, building our own little community network with the neighbors, and enjoying the relative freedom to do what we want, the more strongly I become anti-government-meddling. Leave me and my stuff alone, and I'll leave you and your stuff alone; deal? :)

4 - My country

I don't care if it's become trendy to trash America...I love our country and think it's the best place to be, faults and all.

5 - My life

I never imagined, say, ten years ago that I would have an adorable set of twins and be in a beautiful house on a nice chunk of property in WV of all places. Gardening, chickens, hunting, a barn, a river right down the road, the kind of place where my kids can safely play outside unsupervised. It's so much fun! I wouldn't change it at all.


Shove Its

Everybody's Shove It lists are always more entertaining, lol. These aren't in any particular order.

1 - Hypocrisy. Way too much of that in the world, and it's my number one reason for distancing myself from certain people.

2 - Calling me unnecessarily. Yes, I'm looking at the Husband. If I'm home with the kids and he's out and about, free as a lark, it's a guarantee he'll call (and always in the middle of some crisis at home) about something super frivolous. My attitude is that unless the car engine exploded and you need me to come to the hospital, YOU DON'T CALL YOUR SPOUSE AT WORK. I'm going back to ignoring the phone :)

3 - Grasshoppers. No, not the insect; I'm referring to Aesop's "The Grasshopper and the Ant." I've always been the proverbial ant, and I have no problem being generous toward the genuinely needy, but grasshoppers who blow their money foolishly and then go to ants looking for a bailout really annoy me. I don't have all the things you wasted your money on instead of paying your bills, so why should I pay for yours? It blows my mind.

4 - Collective punishment. The current political protests are treading into that territory and I'll leave it at that. I don't get the mentality at all and I've hated it ever since I was in elementary and teachers would punish the whole class in order to avoid dealing with the few actual troublemakers.

5 - Wasps, and this time I mean the insect lol. Yesterday was warm enough that I saw a bunch for the first time this year. Eeeeeekkkk NO! I got stung by a big horrid black one at 4 years old and the evil creature must have marked me for life because I swear wasps go out of their way to harass me. Time to break out the EO bug spray and drench myself in it before going outside.

Have a great weekend everyone!! Pixie and I are off to drive to A BIG CITY for clothes shopping, because she's suddenly outgrown all her clothes. Growth spurt! She is beyond excited :)


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You know plumbing will make the shove it list. I still have to do it because it is the way it works on the homestead. LOL

Ah, I had plausible deniability until I went back and checked some of my mentions! Will consider this and report back.

LOL!! Please do!

Great lists! Sorry for dropping the ball on the nomination. We seriously need to get using GINAbot but never seem to have enough time to set it up. Oh the grasshoppers. Thank goodness we haven't been burned badly but I will say that a vast majority of our friends always let us know that if SHTF they will be heading our way because they know we'll be prepare. face palm -Aimee

Oh that's so awesome of them, "I won't bother prepping because my plan is just to mooch off you"😒 though I'm giggling over it typing this!

No need to apologize either, I didn't even think to check either! I installed ginabot but keep forgetting to use it so I'm not any better 🤦🏻‍♀️

Love your lists!
Haha, we have a few 'grasshoppers' in our extended family. Yes, we have helped them out of binds from time to time, but it is SUPER Frustrating because they waste their money on nonsense and then wonder why they dont have the electric payment... Ugh!

Exactly! How can it not compute?!?! I've gotten so jaded about it as I've gotten older, and lost all sympathy.

Yes... I have had little sympathy from the start, but they are my husband's siblings. He felt bad and helped them out many times. I think he has also gotten jaded by this point though, since now he says there is a difference between helping people in need, and being mooched from...
We haven't lent to them in ages. (And by lent, I mean gave money, because they dont pay it back...)

I can relate to your entire comment, haha. "Sigh...well it's his family member..." The last time we "loaned" (yeah, gave) a bigger amount I negotiated that if they didn't pay it back, our bank was permanently closed to that person. I'm a stingy ant that way.

Good for you! I absolutely agree, you are not a bank. Yes, you should help out family members in real need, BUT you are not a bank to be constantly handing out money to people who never pay it back, and take you for granted. I have a sister in law who I had to call to give moneygram info. (they needed a car payment so they would not lose the car and have no way to work. Turns out she had spent the money on steaks and liquor...) She had the tone of voice as if she was doing ME a favor, and was very brief, bordering on rude with me. The girl never even said thank you. :/
I told my husband that I do respect him and what he wants to do with his money, however I did NOT feel like 'loaning' them money any more was a smart idea. It was the last time. We have not given them any more.

She had the tone of voice as if she was doing ME a favor

Oh my goodness, do we have the same husband-relative?? In our case the person dictated all the repayment terms (which they defaulted on from the start) as if they were in charge of the situation! It must be a grasshopper personality trait. Good for you for closing up the bank too :) In our case, it removed a source of strain for me!

Hahaha! Perhaps we do! ;)

Sometimes (almost ALL times, actually), closing up the bank is the best thing we can do for us AND for the grasshoppers out there.
Gotta learn to sink or swim; letting them hang on to us is just dragging us down and not teaching them anything. ♥

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