DEROSNEC's Love It/Shove it Challenge

in #loveitshoveit6 years ago (edited)

I've been doing some exciting work with @thebugiq over the last little while (which I can't wait to share with you... but for now it's super duper top secret), but the other day he nominated me for this new get-to-know-me challenge. So here it is!

Love It Or Shove It
feel free to use this image which I made as CC0

What's LoveIt/ShoveIt?

This is all @globocop's idea apparently, with some egging on by @snowpea who started the scrimmage. Basically the point is:

Divisiveness Becomes Tolerance
In a divisive world, setting aside our differences and focusing on constructive solutions rather than destructive arguments can reduce fighting and in-fighting. It can lower the potential for violence and increase the respect we ought to have for one another. We may hate things people do, but we ought not to hate the person itself.

I can get behind that.

The Rules

As taken from @pundito's post:

  • List five things you love
  • List five things you dislike
  • Use the tag loveitshoveit
  • Tag five people to take part, but anyone can join in

Here we go!

Love It

My Family

My family is the best. It consists of myself, my husband Terrence, my daughter Cree, Dunebug the old man cat, One-eyed-Jack the one-eyed kitten, and Rowan the old man corn snake. We're quirky, productive, and stubborn. I would be a mess without them there to inspire me and keep me grounded.


This is my sole purpose in life. In fact, I believe I was put here on this planet to create art and inspire others to create as well. It took me a while to figure this out, believe it or not! But I have ALWAYS been creating something, ever since I can remember.


I could drink coffee all day long. I'm not necessarily a snob or aficionado - in fact my anosmia sort of makes it so that I can't really distinguish most subtleties with food and drink. But I CAN tell a good coffee from a bad coffee, and if I don't keep my caffeine intake in check then I'm basically walking around with a coffee IV all day.

Animals and Conservation

If it's one thing I'm passionate about, it's treating our surrounding world with respect. I care very strongly about preventing animal cruelty and go out of my way to vote with my dollars - Whenever possible, I will not buy from corporations, restaurants, makeup chains, etc. which have a record of animal or ecological cruelty. I'm 85% pescatarian, and when I do eat meat I look for sustainable and cruelty-free sources.

By that same note, I don't preach to people or try to guilt them about their choices for these things... and I honestly don't care if you believe in climate change or not. But seriously, if you want you and your children to be healthy, then take care of your surroundings, pay attention to what you put in your body, and be mindful of un-replenish-able resources! This is just logic!


Walking is my meditation. It's probably my favourite thing to do besides make art. In fact, I come up with my best ideas when I'm walking! These days I make an effort to walk about 5 miles a day, but I have been known to go on some epic constitutionals - my longest run/walk was 17 miles.

Shove It

People Who Walk Slowly And Take Up The Entire Sidewalk

Jumping off my last "love it" - lol! I was born in NYC. I think it's bred into me to be a fast walker. So consequently, whenever there's a person or group of people who are walking slowly or paying more attention to their phones than their surroundings blocking the entire sidewalk... well it's one of my biggest pet peeves.

Being Interrupted

I hate this more than anything. There's nothing worse than feeling like you're not being listened to, or what you have to say isn't worth finishing to the other party.

Being Underestimated

Similarly - it drives me crazy when I'm underestimated, especially by people who have seen what I've accomplished in my life. You'd be surprised how often this actually happens - most of my "success" has been because I've had to go over and above to prove myself.

Rude People

Honestly, I'm pretty hard to offend - but I'm also extremely empathetic, so I can usually tell when someone else is offended. I just don't see the point in being rude, really, in any occasion. We're all in this life together on this planet - treat the planet and other humans respectfully, if only to attempt peace.

Abuse of Power

I really really really really really don't like to talk about politics, but I've lived in 4 countries and have had significant stays in 7 in my short life so far, and I will never fully understand how so many people are willing to put blind trust in people who just clearly want to control you and what you do. I'm a proponent of small, accountable government and business, and would like to see people take more responsibility for themselves. But I know I'm a bit of an idealist in that respect.

My Nominees

So there were my #loveitshoveit items. What are yours?

I nominate @catweasel, @enchantedspirit, @krazypoet, @basileonardo, and @amberyooper to join in and put up your own #loveitshoveit list...

As usual, thanks again for your support! I hope you found that entertaining at least, lol



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I had to smile when reading this one.

People Who Walk Slowly And Take Up The Entire Sidewalk

I have this especially in a supermarket ... neighbors gathering and having a chat. No chance to get any further ...

YES OMG seriously, slow walkers are everywhere!!! I can forgive a little old lady or a wheelchair, but teenagers? C'mon!!

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