#LoveFriday: Why do we call Paris the city of romance and love?! Does it really deserve it?

in #lovefriday7 years ago

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Paris and romance, they go together like oysters and champagne, wine and cheese, café and croissants, jambon and beurre, which is why loved up couples make a pilgrimage to the French capital every year not only on Valentine's Day. But why exactly do we think Paris is the "city of love" and does it really deserve the title?




Paris boasts two spots on the list of the top 10 places in the world to propose according to one study (admittedly, one of them is Disneyland Paris) and the city has long been a top spot for newlyweds and Valentine's getaways.

When I met my love again after 2 month travelling I have to admit that I also choose the Eiffel Tower as meeting point.. and it was very romantic! But why is this spot or this city so connected in our head with love?!

You just have to visit Pont Neuf to see what I mean! There I found the most packed fence of love lockers I´ve ever seen in my life!



What is it about the French capital, more than any other city in the world that makes people go weak at the knees? And is the reputation well deserved?

The beauty

With the grand, Georges Haussman-designed central Paris, as well as the charming streets of Montmartre and the Marais, it’s no wonder Paris is said to be one of the most beautiful cities in the world. The arquitecture is special and copied by many. Yesterday I saw in some documentary that in China there even exist a copy of the whole city as a tourism destination!! They copied everything, including the Eiffel Tower.

The city preserves its famous skylines under Unesco heritage protection, which is actually the reason for limiting the buildings to six stories and the carefully preserved buildings may go some way to explaining the romantic appeal of Paris.





A walk through the city center on the big boulevards, avenues or touristy places hand-in-hand is certainly more romantic than a bus or Metro ride, and Paris’s small size and wide streets mean it’s ideal for walking and taking in the scenery.


You can’t get lost, and there’s always something beautiful around the next corner. Especially streetart, nice places and arquitequture! Sometimes I just start walking and get lost on purpose.



The food

What is any romantic occasion without good food and drinks? Paris’s 40,000 restaurants and illustrious gastronomic history make it a top destination for romance-seekers.

As we say in german "love goes through the stomage" (dt:Liebe geht durch den Magen) and where else than in Paris can you find exquisite food matched with a romantic scenery?! Great food, wine, champagne and nice arquitecture helps a lot.


Combining traditionally elegant or cosy restaurants with the backdrop of romantic architecture, you can see why dinner for two in Paris is an appealing thought for many couples. - Eventhough it´s super expensive!!

I have tried it myself and have to admit, that this was probably the most classy and romantic spot i´ve been so far.


The big screen

Numerous films over the years like French Kiss, Amélie and Midnight in Paris have embedded a certain rosy idea of the French capital that’s hard to shake.


*Audrey Hepburn in Funny Face, Photo: Paramount Pictures/ Wikimedia *

According to Hollywood, Paris is all chic hotels and strolls by the (very clean) Seine. Almost every movie or series in the US names Paris in combination with love or food (or both).

Hollywood movies idealised Paris, like Funny Face or An American in Paris because they were “echoing the constant fascination with art, fashion and jewellery” which of course were all centred in the then style capital of the world.

Even in modern films set in Paris, the city is given a golden glow - the Paris of "The Devil Wears Prada" is a whirl of glamour and beauty (in contrast to the bustling New York where the film begins).

The people

It’s the beauty of the city, but it’s also the people!.



The French may mock the classically snobbish capital-dwellers, but for those seeking a romantic experience, Parisians may actually be part of the attraction.

The French are definitely more passionate, more flirtatious, than the Germans, Spanish or Italian. They do have this seductive quality, they’re not afraid to follow their passions, which I think is key. I´ve never been hidden on that often and direct in a European city before. - And mostly in a really nice way!!


Add this typical French “passion” to an aesthetically charming city, then you’ve got a recipe for a romance.

There is a reason why 'Je t'aime' and ´voulez vous coucher avec moi´ are almost international frases already. Eventhough most of the people don´t know what the second one means :D

And it’s not just the personality of the French that makes people swoon, it’s the language itself, which was voted the sexiest in the world in 2013.

In a Google translate survey it was found that 34 of the top 1,000 translated words into French were about love, more than the other 5 most popular languages on the translation service. - Even the french accent is sexy!

Indeed the phrase "Je t'aime" was the most requested translation from French. Not conclusive of course, but the French language certainly adds to romantic flavour of the capital.

The history

Historically, France was the centre of ideas, art, poetry and revolutionary politics in the Western world. And the Left Bank “intellectuals quarter” retains a sense of romanticism for couples.


1920's French flappers, Photo: Vintage Lulu/Flickr

Writers (a typically romantic bunch) flocked to Paris from the 19th Century through to the jazz age of F. Scott Fitzgerald and Hemmingway, and wrote adoringly about life in the City of Light.

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Books such as Hemmingway’s “A moveable feast”, paint a picture of the city as a profound and romantic experience, which may go some way to explaining why people all over the world fall in love with Paris (even if they’ve never been there).

... But does it live up to the hype?

The perhaps exaggerated and most discussed, “Paris syndrome” supposedly afflicts Japanese tourists who come to Paris expecting Le Vie en Rose, only to discover that The City of Light has all the pitfalls of any other modern city, like traffic, noise, pick-pockets, high prices, litter, dirty and decrepit public transport and pavement dog poo.

Most of my co-students in the language school were disappointed of the city at first. They very much enjoy the touristy spaces and museums, but as soon as you leave those spots you see a lot of poverty, homeless people, diry and also stressed and unfriendly people.



Then there's the recent heightened terror alert. The sight of armed soldiers walking down the street and frequent bag checks not really conducive to a romantic stroll by the Seine.

And every once in a while the Parisians are striking and the city just gets crazy, just like today in front of the Gare de l´Est where I took this pic.


And those who live in the city might be seeing the irony in its reputation for romance too, as Paris is apparently the capital of single people, infidelity and divorce in France.

A little research shows me that 43% of Parisians are single, which is 10% higher than the rest of the country, and of those in relationships 46% admit to cheating, compared to 40% in the rest of the country. - So much to the French passion! It seems easy to get in a relationship here, but to hold one is constant work apparently.

Paris may not be the place to find your happily ever after either, as only 25% of marriages last over 20 years, drastically lower than the national average of 41%. This numbers surprise me actually, because a lot of my friends and of couse myself are happyly in a relationship with a French. We will see if these statistics will be proofen :D

So there's no doubt you can have a wonderfully romantic time in Paris, enjoying the unique combination of beautiful architecture, unspoiled history, fine cuisine and fine wine, surrounded by passionate locals but perhaps don't come expecting to swan through the city like Audrey Hepburn.

Anyways, in my personal experience I can confirm that it´s also possible to be happily in love in Paris, but for me as culture and language lover and frequent traveller it´s really interesting to dip into this mentality and find out more about this kind of questions ;)

I hope you enjoyed my contribution to lovefriday initiated by @liliana.duarte.



Thanks for this great article. We are a French born couple and have been living in Australia for the last 10 years and reading your article made me stop and think about the whole thing "the city of romance".
Before moving overseas (Ireland, Canada and now Australia), while watching some american movies we knew that was the reputation sometimes of Paris (being the city of love), but we certainly did not completely realise it was an international reputation.
Growing up and all the way to our university years, Paris was being seen as the big city where we didn't really want to end up going...Far from the international reputation! Mostly because we all knew what it meant..."Metro, boulot, dodo" => Commute, Work, Sleep and Repeat - not really appealing!
For us French I think the romance city that is all well known is definitely Venice, Italy - I guess we all have to look up to another country!
The second part of your article is, I guess, how us locals we see Paris (the homeless, the commute, the strikes etc. => routine for French) and then we learn to enjoy it and we move to the first part of your article where we start appreciating the great things about Paris, the cultural entertainment, the architecture etc.
Whereas as a foreigner or tourist you would first see all the glamorous and tourist parts that you've seen many photos of, seen in movies etc. and only when you stay longer in the area you start seeing, what us, French would see first.
I do think Paris is a great city and I love going to watch the eiffel tower each we go back to France and like any big city in the world there are always the goods and the bads - But really when you are discovering with your other half it all become romance no mater where you are :-) #lovefriday 💖

Hey @nomadsfix! Wow, you have mooved a lot! How is life in Australia?! I ve been living in Mexico for 3 years and think its also a special experience living in a place that somehow becomes your "home" but never fully... however! Thanks for your comment. I am glad you liked my article :) Yes, Venice is also definitely a romantic city, and actually one of my favorits.. but Paris has this reputation of being THE CITY OF LOVE internationally. I can see what you mean about the view of a local, for a foreigner its a bit different yes. But I think in big cities its in general always a kind of hate/love.. because you have a lot of problems to face, stress, work, routine, poverty etc.. but at the same time you have a lot of entertainement and possibilities of doing things (in your free time but also working). Let me know if you come back any time soon ;)

Totally agree! The entertainment in big cities is unbeatable but comes with its downside. We are very lucky in Brisbane, Australia - it's a big city but it's actual "small"/spreadout that we get the best of both world I guess. Probably why we like it!

Vielen Dank für diesen sehr schönen Bericht über Paris und deine persönlichen Eindrücke vom Leben und Lieben in dieser Stadt. Man bekommt beim Lesen den Eindruck, dass du dich auch ein bisschen in Paris verliebt hast. Und das scheint nicht nur daran zu liegen, dass du dort zusammen mit deiner frischen Liebe zusammen sein kannst.

Heyho, freut mich, dass du dir die Zeit genommen hast meinen Bericht zu lesen. Ja, das habe ich auch :) Natürlich wird München trotzdem immer meine geliebte Heimat bleiben ;)

The statistics that you gave also surprised me too.. The city is called as lovers city but almost half percent of the people are single ;) I think that not a city itself can be called as
lovers city. I mean no city in the world can bring or remind love to our minds.. It is the people who give some meanings to the cities. As a person who has been in Paris, I think French people make their city's advertisement well in the world. They are the one who settle this "lovers city"s perception into our minds. But actually I am not in this opinion. For me lovers city is definitely Prag..

Ive never been to Prag :) But Im sure there are many romantic cities worldwide :)

I know what "voulez vous coucher avec moi" means, and also the song "voulez vous coucher avec moi ce soir" :D Ahah

Amazing post, really amazing! Thank you for joining #LoveFriday :D

Hahaha good! Because a lot of people dont :D

I also know some bad words...just in case! ;)

thats important :D

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