LoveFriday - Finding love signs on my hometown streets

in #lovefriday7 years ago (edited)

Hello dear friends!!

I almost can't believe I didn't post anything this last week! It was a (very) busy week for sure, but I didn't forget you all!

Here I am for another LoveFriday!

Last weekend when visiting my hometown I noticed a new Stencil Art (it may actually not be a new one, but it was for me, as it was the first time I noticed it! I first called this graffiti​, but like @bescouted said it's called "Stencil Art, thanks !!), PERFECT for a LoveFriday!!


First the drawn couple caught my attention...

but there was the writting too, and it was so familiar to me!

"A cidade está deserta (The city is deserted)
E alguém escreveu o teu nome em toda a parte (And somebody wrote your name everywhere)
Nas casas, nos carros, nas pontes, nas ruas. (In the houses, in the cars, on bridges, on the streets.)
Em todo o lado essa palavra, (This word is everywhere)
repetida ao expoente da loucura! (repeated to the exponent of madness!)
Ora amarga, ora doce...(Sometimes bitter, sometimes sweet...)
Para nos lembrar que o amor é uma doença, (To remind us that love a disease,)
quando nele julgamos ver a nossa cura." (when we judge him to see our cure.)

When I got home I searched who had wrote this beautiful poem, just to find out (remember, actually) this was part of a great portuguese rock song (@ 3m03s)!

(This morning while writting this post I heard it on the radio, it's not common these days because this music has probably 17-18 years old!)

And what about the drawn couple!?

"O seu nome era Amaro Vieira"

Who was Amaro Vieira!?

It was the protagonist of the famous portuguese novel "The Crime of Father Amaro" by Eça de Queirós. This novel tells the destructive love story of Amaro Vieira, a Catholic priest and a “handsome, strapping lad,” and lovely Amelia.
(Now things got a bit more exciting, haven't they?)

Their relationship is set against the backdrop of Leiria. (my hometown, where this photo was shot)

The greatness of the novel lies in the breadth and depth of Eça de Queirós.
His eye for detail is striking, whether describing the physical beauty of the Portuguese countryside, the psychology of a character, or the distended bellies of poor children.

He sees the strength and weakness of every character, and although he excoriates the hypocrisy of the Church, sometimes with the blackest humour, he never belittles the importance and power of the true faith.

I also found there is an English translation of this novel by Jull Costa, which seems to be a "brilliant translation that preserves Eça’s sharp, ironic prose and the elegant flavor of his humor" here.

Ahh, someone wrote my name in the streets of Leiria


Strange coincidence, hum?!

Let's look for love!! More love please!!

This is what I would like to see shared under the #LoveFriday:

  • Positivity: That's the main purpose!! In a world were sad stories are pumping everywhere, sharing positivity is even more precious;
  • Romantic or not: There is plenty of room for romantism, but not only. It can be a mom and daughter caring gesture, simply someone helping another one, and so on, but proper for all ages (no NSFW please);
  • Stories, music, photography and​ any kind of art related: The window of possibilities is enormous, feel free!

Please do not forget to check the other daily photography challenges:


What a lovely find for Love Friday ! And your name tagged on the wall likewise... ;-)
Could you please add to your list the #BeautifuDay by @barbara-orenya my dear ?
a floweryday1.png

Sure!! Silly me!! I'm planning to share a post under this tag for a couple of days, how I haven't reminded to add it to this list!! Fixed!

That is so romantic and its the first time you noticed it! Its a beautiful mural and I love the story that goes with it great steem Liliana ! And its so cool you saw your name to! Is your name A popular name where you live? To cool! I really enjoyed your steem! Happy weekend whatever you do! 🌷🌷🌷

Thank you so much! My name isn't one of the most popular (no way) but I know some girls called Liliana at my age.

Fantástico!!! Parabéns.

Muito obrigada :)

Great post! You're lucky my dear with your name on a street wall :)))

Ahah, it's my name, but it wasn't for me :p (Thank "god"!!)

Post votado por Camões. Parabéns @liliana.duarte!

Great Post!! I love it :) Thanks for discovering and sharing it! Have a great weekend!

Thanks a lot!! :) Have a great weekend yourself as well!! :))

I sure did :) Thanks :)

Que bom vc de volta, não suma :)

Pois pois, venho só de fugida de vez em quando. O tempo está mesmo muito escasso nestes dias! Não é como se quer, é como se pode! Obrigada pelo apoio!

Nice post @liliana.duarte! :) Love the idea of random photos with historical/facts descriptions :)

This was not totally on purpose, I just found that Stencil art and I'm very curious, I like to understand what I see :) Thanks

This is so interesting. I love the lovefriday challenge--it's a great idea and a lot of fun and I like the flexibility in that it doesn't have to be romantic love.

Not obligatorily romantic, that would be too​ easy! ;) (and probably depressive too)

Nice story about poetry and love! And you've done some research as well, where most part of people would just pass by, I like that :) I used to make some stencils as well, but of course without that much text in it! That should take a while! Great share, followed and upvoted, have a great day, Liliana!

I had to research as I found both familiar, but couldn't remember why!! Thank you so much!

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