
Ouch so romantic. Great captured of the sparkles in the water. It gives unique image ;) How are you my friend long time ? :)

My post about love ;) I hope you like it my dear friend :)

Hello my dear, thanks for visiting me ^_^ All is doing well here, was quiet busy with preparing the fruits&veggies contest, took me a while to elaborate it but now I'm happy to have a canvas for future you'll consider participate to it, looking forward to your photos =))

Have a joyful week end !joyful.png

I am looking forward to see it your fruits&veggies contest. How splendid ;) I have another idea too. I am still preparing. Now I am drinking my morning coffee and thinking where should I go to take some good shots. Wish me luck ;)

oh those Wonkies...they are cute by nature ! ;-)
Thank you Luz ! @blacklux fleur06double.png

So beautiful and romantic place :D

It is indeed @crissimoes... ^_^ I'm blessed to live in this place, I'm daily grateful for that ! Thanks for your nice visit and have a wonderful day !good morning.png

Awwww the blue monsters enjoying the blue weather :D
Love the colourful flowers there. Have a great day Barbara!

Have a great (Satur)day now also my dear ! and thanks for your visit, I was not very available yesterday because of the making of my other post for the Fruits &Veggies challenge that took me HOURS to elaborate ! lol and today I work in my day job in full time (the rest of the week I'm working part time on evenings) so today, i will make my best to visit my friends posts and do all this enjoyable and fun things between two services (I work in a restaurant )
btw you might be interested by this (rewarded !) challenge of mine , it would be great to have you and @brumest to participate (even if fruits & veggies are maybe not a natural photo subject for , and spread the world, there are SBD's to win ^_^
Have a delightful day my Lovelie !oiseau ballons.png

You are a busy busy bee :)
Fruits&Veggie sounds very familiar! Have to finally get Norman in here ;)
The contest will be a weekly thing or just once? Any topics?

Sounds very cool! :D

Yes Norm would be great here ! In fact I took the fruit and veggie as I aimed to run a fridaymarket challenge but Denise was faster than me so I had to change my plans...but anyway I wanted a rewarded challenge, and I will see if doing just once or weekly, depending on if it finds its way, if people are participating, then indeed I will make it weekly, that's my first intention ... ;-)
Would you like to have topics on the challenge ? what do you mean with topics ?

I think he will be joining ;) Already asked him to consider that.
I dunno if you would like the topics... I was just wondering and making sure if everything is allowed for this one. If you give a theme it will be more challenging, but it might have less participants too. So it is up to you.
It will always have to be fruits &veg, but for example one week "yellow", "red" the other week "what's in your fridge now" or... "from the tree"... "root veggie". Something that will differ weeks from each other. But of course it doesn't have to be :)

Yes I thought of that kinda themes into the subject Fruits and veggies but like you wrote it, I thought that it would be at first too limiting for people to participate, that's why in a first time, it will be more general, and if it has some success, it will be more fun (and challenging, you are perfectly right) to have such topics, and you will be welccome to propose topics indeed !!
So let's see if people want to participate and if the case, making it more challenging in the following weeks ...
Thanks for your input, it helps me to see more clearly in my own thoughts..LoL

I am very happy I could help :) As we say "two heads are better than one" ;)
General fruits and veg is good for now. Hopefully people will like it.

@barbara-orenya I can see how the fridaymarket challenge ties in so beautifully with the fruit and veggie. Please take it over as I am not advertised or anything for it as of yet. It will make a wonderful combination and I would love to see it where it belongs! xoxo

ooh you know I'm not sure i will do the fruits and veggies challenge more than this week, I think I have seen a tag for a monday fruit and veggie then i think it is too much, people will get lost,anyway I think there will be only few this week to participate, and with the coming of Norman here, it would be better if he keeps the challenge because he is more a gardener than not 😉 lol...then for the Friday market...i don't know Denise, if you was to run it on your other site, it's cool if you go on because people are used to see you are charismatic my dear.honestly, I don't mind not to run it, really ^_^

Oh my god, you prepared this especially for the LoveFriday, almost like you guess what I was going to share!! Ahah, great coincidence! Thanks for this beautiful entry.

Have a wonderful day and weekend!

Oh yes this is a great serendipity indeed ! Happy you like it Liliana and have a wonderful day !elephant.png

looks like a wonderful place to get old :)

Hehe Mick, yes it is indeed ! If you are lucky totravel to France, I suggest you the visit of Annecy, this is very near to the switzerland, it's a very wealthy place with lots of tourism, jobs, mountains, the lake, ski resorts, and happy people ^_^ (of course life is a bit expensive here, more than anywhere else, let's say that the living here has a cost, but it has also a precious value... ;-) )
Thanks for your visit on the post @stresskiller =))

we are currently looking for a destination to move too and settle down, after all its only +/- 10 years from retirement and time flies ...

haha ! consider Annecy then =D

all places i consider i will visit first :) what bothers me is the French language, same reason i only went to France twice both times it was Paris , and even in Euro Disney it was often hard to communicate

of course you have to visit first ! you must feel the place whatever ;-) Yes language could be a barrier ...

my Dutch,German and English are fine but French .. we had it in school but i always stood in the hallway i guess :)

well, never too late Mick ! a floweryday1.png

Wonderful! Wish you all the love ❤️

Thanks my beautiful ! ^_^elephant.png

Awwww... So sweeettt...! ^_^

Haha thank you @ackhoo ^_^
as I wrote to Luz, those wonkies are cute by nature, so, when they are in such a romantical scene, it drips of cuteness =D
My dear I know how playful you are so I guess you will be interested by my (rewarded !) challenge ! have a look, participate, spread, make whatever you want but

have good time in any case ! =D grimacefleur.png

Oh très romantique !!
Bon weekend Barbara

Merci ma chère ! Très bon week-end à toi aussi ^_^ Ici c'est couvert et raffraichi, ça fait un bien fou, je suis aux anges de ne pas avoir à me planquer au frais..LoLchilling.png

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