50th Year Golden Anniversary: The Untold Love story of my Grandparents <3

in #love6 years ago

"50 years ago two people got hooked and today a golden recipe they have cooked"
They say that the secret to a happy and lasting marriage is finding the right person. But how can we be so sure that he or she is the one for us?
All of us experienced love, or will go through it sooner or later in our lives.Marriage is a commitment to two people, something that is bonded by the holy matrimony. There is always a great transition when a couple get married but one thing for sure is marriage is not just like a fairy tales story, marriage life is both a challenging course of our life and at the same time a big responsibility.
My grandparent has proven this. They are a perfect example of a couple who been through a lot of ups and down.

In the year 1968, two hearts met by chance. It was Fiesta in the small town in Negros Occidental, Philippines. Fiesta celebration is no longer a stranger thing for Barangays in the country. It was an annual and traditional celebrations for Filipinos. Its no wonder that "Bayle, Tango and Disco" were present of course with the dazzling lights on and the loud music. Everyone was on their feet dancing and grooving the Dance floor and my grandfather was one of them.22310185_1016433955166465_7097725169269432351_n.jpg
My grandfather, Pablito was 27 years old that time. He was an attractive, charismatic fine young man.
According to my grandfather, he was on the hall busy gracing the dance floor with some friends when someone caught his attention from outside. It was a young, naive looking girl walking outside. Grandpa still remember every details that night. She was wearing a brown shirt and a long dark skirt with her long brown hair tied up. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes" She's real !" he emphasized as he open his eyes. It was a LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT according to him.lfs.jpg credits :Google

The feeling you get when you see the one for the first time. He recalled that butterflies were flying in his head and the feeling like the whole world stops. For him it was LOVE! He waited no time and went outside to follow the girl. Finally their eyes met for the first time, the first exchange of silence through their eyes met changed their entire life. It was the eyes that hold the primary attraction. That night night was magical for my grandfather not knowing that that night will be the beginning of a lasting events of their lives.
My Grandmother, Elenita was just 16 years old at that time. She was just walking to the store to buy something when someone whom she called "stranger" had approached her. For her it was kinda a weird feeling to see someone for the first time and having this guts of feeling like you already knew each other for a long time. Grandma admitted that he was also attractive to to grandpa the moment he start to talk to her that night.
Grandpa waited no time and decide to court and grandma, in Philippine culture, courtship is far more subdued and indirect unlike in some Western societies specially before in the 60's and 70'. Grandpa visits the latter's family and introduce himself formally to the parents of my grandma.Couple has decided to come out in the open about their romance. At first according to grandma, her parents were very hesitant knowing that she's just 16 , just 1st year high school and most specially very naive on life.
It was a long 3 months that her parents finally agreed. Grandpa makes "pamamanhikan" as he bring his his uncle as well as some relatives. My grandfather's parent were dead already before he was 8.
They were married on April 08, 1968. An american priest led the Ceremony. It was allowed before to get married even at a young age.

Fast forward, My grandparents move its way and separate to their parents as they continue to live far in Mindanao. As a couple, My grandfather and Grandma has to worked overtime to a small farm who was own by their neighbor. Living in a simply bamboo hut small house earning small amount to support and survived in a daily basis. Grandma honestly told, there was little regrets with her decision and regrets not following her parents advice. Grandpa also did not finished high school. So they worked both in the farm. Hard work and success go hand in hand because life is designed to be tough. Under the heat of the sun Grandma and grandpa worked overtime. Grandma struggles a lot not knowing anything but needs to adapt to her biggest transition in life.re 8 children, as the family grew my grandparents always reminded their Children to do good all the time and show respect.
But as always, marriage is not always perfect, it has its own flaws as well.
One cold night, it was a fiesta in the town. My grandmother was taking care of their 6th daughter that time who has a fever. My grandfather was said to be working. When suddenly a neighbor told grandma that Pablito was seen dancing in the town with some anonymous lady.
My grandma was shaking, filled with tension as she held her tears fall apart. she instructed her oldest daughter who was 14 that time look for her younger sibling as she went to the town.
And the moment she was scared the most happened. She saw grandpa dancing with another lady.![th.jpg]

Fast forward, that event has really tested their life as couple. It was the most emotionally painful moment in their entire life.broken-heart-1175724_960_720.jpg-google

For my grandfather, it was the most selfish, irrelevant things he ha ever did. He put a lot of efforts asking for another chance. He truly loves Grandma and most specially their 8 children. He puts a lot of effort to win grandma's heart again and he was successful. Exactly 2 months, Grandma forgives grandma for the sins he committed. It was big relief for the family who had shared beautiful memories together, sharing the laughter as well as the sadness in the last 20 years. Grandma added "I’m not crying if i did not care and love you for who you are".
It was the biggest obstacle in their marriage life and yet with God's guidance they were able to overcome it.

My Grandparents has always dream that their children will be successful and finished their studies. The things my grandparents they did not achieved in their days, so they promised to themselves that even if they didn't finished their studies our Children will finished and success in life. So they double their efforts and yes with God's guidance their 8 children finished College.25591850_2029228213759477_8979882278004381576_n.jpg
The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.That what my Grandparents always taught our parents.
I wanna make you smile whenever you're sad
Carry you around when your arthritis is bad
All I wanna do is grow old with you

I'll get your medicine when your tummy aches
Build you a fire if the furnace breaks
Oh, it could be so nice, growing old with you

I'll miss you
Kiss you
Give you my coat when you are cold

Need you
Feed you
Even let you hold the remote control

So let me do the dishes in our kitchen sink
Put you to bed when you've had too much to drink
Oh, I could be the man who grows old with you
I wanna grow old with you45743b1c3807f9f4b0a77755ead913a5--old-couples-cute-couples.jpg credits google

Love begins in a moment, grows over time, and lasts for eternity.

50 Years,
18,250 days,
438,000 hours,
4 hours, 3 towns,
8 children,
15 grandchildren,
4 great grandchildren,
Time changes, yet the love now remains as love then 50 years ago.


what a lovely and inspiring story, thank you for sharing this with us!


Thank you I hope you're were inspired by my Grandparents ❤️

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thank you friend

Hello there Ohana! You were featured on the #67th edition of steemitfamilyph's featured posts. Congratulations!

Thank you so much

Ooohh wow! What an inspiring story! It’s what I need right now. Haha Thank you for sharing their story, it was indeed heartwarming. ☺️

My grandparents also celebrated their 50th anniversary maybe 20 yrs ago, I remember all of us were wearing gold gowns and “barongs” for the men. It was celebrated with close relatives in the province where there was also a dance floor with loud old school music. ☺️

I hope their celebration was excellent! A nice afterthought would be to frame a picture of their fondest memory... Or to read to them these stories you've written about them... Also, you can find out their favorite songs and make a mixtape for them to dance to!
I hope these ideas help you in celebration of your families milestone.
Thank you for sharing their love with us all!

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