"What Love Is" - Mechanically, Biologically, Psychologically, Spiritually & Any Other Word Ending in 'ally'. ;)

in #love6 years ago (edited)

I'm not sure if an accurate record exists of how many authors, poets and musicians have attempted to describe and define love.. but I am sure that I rarely here a definition that satisfies my masculine/spirit part, my feminine/will/feeling part, plus my heart and body too... Now I will resolve that!

unconditional love grafitti

I wrote a while back on what fear is and the understandings shared there were well received. I have been emotionally healing for over a decade now and have learned a great deal in that process. Since I am a trained engineer and computer programmer, I tend to lean towards using logic like a vulcan in Star Trek, which means I pay careful attention to definitions - to a degree that is quite uncommon.

specificity is a necessary virtue, captain

As I wrote in that other post, for me - fear is the emotional response to beliefs about not having enough personal power. That's it. So, by changing our definitions and removing beliefs, we calm fears and open to change.

I have worked with this on my way to balance and found it to be a true understanding.

The way that I came to my understanding about fear was not from thinking hard or reading books - but from simply asking the question internally "what is fear" and then being open to hear the reply internally that is triggered from my spirit and will. We can all do this, but it takes some work to clear out the junk in our hearts and minds that are blocking out the needed clarity.


So today, I decided to do the same for love - since I know for sure that life is not possible without love and so really love is the most important key for us to learn about and to embody. So what is love?

My first thoughts related to feelings of love I have felt for other beings. Then I was reminded of the previous understandings I have reached regarding unconditional love and how in my experience, love is not real love until it can be unconditional, which means that the love is present regardless of what the other being does. Love can be withheld due to the way that we think, but can be more fully realised and allowed to manifest if we keep our mind free from dominating and judgemental thought-forms that attempt to define that a person is good/bad if they do x/y/z and that we will love them more/less depending on how they conform to our mental dictation of how they 'should' be.

love box

So I moved from feelings to thoughts and then finally back to feelings as I went into my heart to find the balance point and the absolute truth that extends beyond what can be understood when stuck in either thoughts or feelings alone.

Love Is A State of Being Whole

This is the answer I received regarding what love is and it resonates deeply on all levels in me.

Love is not dependent on the actions of someone, nor on a specific feeling being present. Love is not even so much a verb, although we can indeed act lovingly or unlovingly. Love is essentially our natural state when whole and complete - it is how we are when we are not in pain, injured, in denial, confused and operating out of fear and guilt.

Being whole means that there is no fragmentation in the self and that there is not even any unconsciousness at all. All aspects of self are conscious, with nothing being denied and hidden. Self acceptance is needed for us to be this way and that self acceptance feels loving, not because it is a magical and intangible force of love 'power' - but because self acceptance IS the transformation of rejected aspects of self into a more whole self. We simply return to a more complete state through self acceptance and thus embody more of who we are and therefore resonate more powerfully and deeply AS love.

The deeper we go in to our heart, the more we learn that we are indeed 'all one' and that our own physical heart is connected via several mechanisms to the heart and matter of the entire universe. When we know that we are literally one with everything, there can be no thought of doing harm to others since it is totally understood to be counter productive.. Harming someone else, is always, whether we can see the full details or not - going to result in us beig harmed too.

With this in mind, perhaps you can start to see why the phrase 'God is love' makes more sense?

I am not talking about the God of religions that have been twisted by the minds of humans who were not 100% healed. I am talking about the state of being absolutely whole. By understanding that all is one, we can understand that God is all that is and that the closer that we as individual manifestations of 'the one' choose to align with self acceptance and self love, the more we will find and allow to gracefully manifest the reality that God/'the one' really is love.

By allowing individual fragmentation and confusion to heal into a new balance, we do our part to bring the universe into the state of love and to then understand God and our true nature all the more.

One of the most beautiful (be you to full) aspects of this is that we require absolutely no external 'authority' to know who we are and to heal with love - finding God too. This in itself is a deeply calming and peaceful realisation that no-one will be able to disturb in us as long as we do not allow our mind to dominate and distract us away from absolutely truth.

Wishing you well,

Ura Soul

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I had a profound heart opening experience in which I downloaded that Love is literally everything. Everything literally comes from love. I think we have an "act" of "loving." But Love is also just What Is. It's the creative energy of the universe.

Love Is A State of Being Whole

This is amazing. Regarding defining words, you reminded me of this quote I came across yesterday..
“When you define a word, you are doing something mysterious and powerful: you are modifying the relationship between things in your mind. You are making and modifying meaning.” - Eben Pagan

And I "love" that you discusses wholeness. Love is a unifying force. So therefore, the quality of the unification of everything (Wholeness/Oneness) is love.

Oh absolutely, our minds are heavily conditioned to think mostly using words instead of the images and feelings that our ancestors (us in previous lifetimes) did ;)
This is part of why a 'vow of silence' can be so powerful, in that it allows us to be released from the grip of the words we use and to potentially expand understanding into territory that our language doesn't support at all yet. On the flipside though, making sounds is very important for our emotional wellbeing, so that's part of why I am choosing to evolve language instead of throw it away entirely :)

So true. And I totally agree with evolving language instead of throwing it away entirely. Language can be a great tool. But it is a tool after all. It's a model, or a lens, through which to view reality. Problems arise when we get too attached to a model or think one model is all that is.

I agree with the "Love is a state of being whole". From my experience, we don't need to do anything to reach that wholeness, for it is our most natural state to BE Love.

Light has no meaning but Love. Love is. Being is Feeling. Thoughts belong to Doing and cannot feel, thus they are meaningless.

Yet very same thoughts try to give meaning, inevitably lending Love a reality it does not deserve. Attempting to explain and grasp Love through thought processes never works.

Love is a state of Being, which we all embody for good no matter what our behavior indicates.

Thanks for your dedicated words! :)

Having gone through a process of conscious healing for any years, guided by spirit - I now understand that to be whole would have not required us to do anything if we were not already heavily injured following a vast number of lifetimes in this universe. The situation now is that we have a lot to do to be whole, but I am talking of a wholeness that extends beyond our own human incarnation. If you are unable, for example, to change and even stop your own heart consciously, then part of your system is unconscious and thus wholeness is not manifested. Wholeness implies both full consciousness and also a unification of self which extends beyond our own linear timeline of this incarnation and into our other incarnations.. Quite a trip!

Great words! Outside the illusion of time we are already there! ;)

Time is certainly not exactly what he tend to think it is, however, time as the experience of a continuum of experience is certainly not an illusion. If it were that easy to remove the process of manifestation and the associated learning that is involved, we probably wouldn't have a universe or at least very little imbalance or problems.

Within our thoughts, yes. But in essence there is no past or future but only the present moment. We can think about the past or the future, yet in the absence of thought there is only this moment. I agree that we give meaning to the present moment depending on the meaning we gave it in the past, and in the same way our future shapes our past and vice versa, so there is great influence there from the "past" and "future". But in the absence of those thought attachments, we see that the present moment is always meaningless itself, hence we come to see that in every single moment of our existence WE give meaning depending on how we want to experience ourselves at that time, always shifting, never stagnant. So whether consciously or unconsciously, we are always leveraging full creative freedom.

So for me there is no right or wrong, more true or less true, better or worse. We are all just experiencing ourselves, and each's is equally valid.

This now moment? or this now moment? How about THIS now moment?

Exactly, always now. Every single letter you wrote was being written in the present moment, not in the past, not in the future. An expanding now moment.

But again, I don't consider my choice of perspective to be any more right than yours. It is just the way I want to experience myself right now, and so are you ;)

Having contemplated the logic you are using here in a lot of depth numerous years ago in linear timing, I recognise the value of it. The issue that is missed by such logic though is the huge gap between spirit's POV that 'time is an illusion' and the actual reality that is the lived experience in creation. It is all very well to say that from spirit, everything is being experienced simultaneously, but that is not the experience in manifested reality. The difficulty in discussing this, however, is quite high - since, for one, we all have slightly different definitions and experiences of the key topics involved.

I find the idea that there is no right or wrong to be one of the most disturbing that exists, since the denial involved is absolutely immense. This logic claims that anally raping a baby is not a problem. Want to eat your next door neighbour too? Why not, there is not right or wrong. In reality, those who choose life will eventually learn what is needed to sustain life and thus what is both right and loving.. Those who do not choose life will perish.

You really went deep with this, it is a fantastic study of what love means to others and essentially what it means. I agree with you, we can not experience love unless we accept all of our self for who we are, and allow ourselves to be our full potential, to be whole. We are made up of so many parts that when we bring all off them together we are love. Thank you for this gem of a post @ura-soul x

You are welcome, thanks for reading and your insightful comment. :)

It all starts in us. How we love ourselves, not in a narcissistic way, but rather loving yourself to be more understanding of others. We share ourselves to others and vice versa because we want that shared part of ourselves to be loved and we accept what others give because we want to love in return. Thus, we are one. So be more understanding and in turn we can give more.

Thanks for your comment. I am fairly clear now that the part about wanting our own parts to be loved by others, is something of a gap in our own energy field that can be healed internally by our own unconditional self acceptance. There's nothing wrong with wanting to be loved, I am just saying that we need to be fully self accepting at all times and in that state we actually have less or zero need to be loved by others. That's the theory anyway ;)

You nailed it. That is the part that I was trying to convey but I just don't know how to say it.

Is self acceptance the same with accepting things as it is?

Self acceptance does mean accepting yourself as you are, but not necessarily accepting everything that it is not you. There are many manifestations of evil on earth and it is not right to force yourself to try to accept them when your own feelings do not want to. You cannot successfully accept all of yourself and also accept the things in life that you hate. We can accept that they exist, but I don't think it is necessary to accept everything in a way that means we want to be around them or want more of them if that isn't what we truly want and need.

Sometimes English is lacking in depth and we need to find new words ;)

That makes perfect sense. That's why I like reading posts like this because I am not good in self-analyzing. It gives clearer understanding and gives somewhat comforting answers to questions.

I do my best and have had great teachers along the way too. I recommend these books.

Thanks for the recommendations. I will check on these later. Cheers!

Yes! 🙌🏽🙏🏽 Wholeness. Nothing hidden, shunned or denied. Embracing the light and the shadow side. Unconditioned. This is love. Wonderful post and I’m happy to have found your blog. Following.

Perfect, yes! Followed back - thanks!

Love has many meaning .. I think, love means that It is better to be hated for what we are than to be loved for what we are not..@ura-soul

Love accepts us just as we are and also accepts that hate that rejects us. By totally accepting all involved, evolution is possible. <3


Good work man. I really admire you, I might make you my witness one day.

I feel that

fear is the contrary of love. ❤️

I have been shown and felt that guilt is the opposite of love since guilt prevents emotions from vibrating and causes slow death every time. Guilt itself is a form of fear - a fear that you are not good enough to be just how you are and will be told this again. However, fear itself is only caused by thoughts that trigger it - so the unloving aspect is not the fear but the unloving light that causes the thoughts. Unloving light is only possible when the thoughts are not being bonded correctly with the emotions that guide through the heart.

Most of us are trapped by literal heartlessness that has our thoughts not connecting with our feelings enough.

If we look closely, does the mainStream try to keep the greatest number of human beings in fear, so as to keep the global vibratory level as low as possible?

They tend to just try to trigger emotion to keep us fixated on whatever they think suits their aims. Often that might be fear or sometimes other emotions, including more loving ones. Going back to my point about the thoughts being the key here - what the mainstream will never do is give truly life changing and empowering understandings that remove and clear the beliefs that cause fear. If we have no beliefs that cause fear then the power empires crumble, since they are based on using our power with our consent.

None of this is possible without us being shut down by guilt already and much of our guilt is due to our own inner rejection of our own real feelings.

love is care and share!!nothing to say! good post

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