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RE: I'm human and I think you are too. Fuck labels. I'm tired of them

in #love7 years ago

Nazi is a pretty useful label. That may sound extreme, but we have actual Nazis in the US right now running over women in the street. I, for one, am tired of the whole “respect everyone’s opinion” platitudes. I do not respect the opinions of those who seek to de-humanize and kill those I love. And it’s not my job nor anyone’s else’s job to try to reason with or understand racists because racism is illogical. It is my job to call a Nazi a Nazi and punch a Nazi if need be. It’s disgusting to me that within a generation and a half we’ve gone from the abhorrence of Nazism to allowing them a platform to speak because “everyone is entitled to their opinion.” Sometimes, labels are useful.


I've never agreed with respect "everyone's" opinion. I mean I guess we're sort-of privileged here in the sense that you get arrested for any kind of Nazism vitriol. I have no idea how extreme opinion like such is allowed the light of day. I just don't :/

I always will blame the media though! - watching 2 seconds of Fox News was enough to make me want to throw up

In the US, our media and government have been destroyed by two things: citizens united and the repeal of the truth in journalism act (I don’t remember the actual name of it, but we can thank Regan for that awesome decision /s) when everything is for sale, society goes to the highest bidder. And because of hundreds of years of white supremacy, old white men are the people with the money. Fox News is a plague on our nation and the world. This is a great discussion. Thanks!

Holy shit. I had no clue you were allowed to be out and out dishonest in the media. I mean I know they enjoy painting a story in a different light, but pure dishonesty. Jeez. I guess that explains why I always want to punch Bill O'reilly square in the nose! Hah

That explains a lot more actually

As long as it’s labeled “opinion “ or “editorial” it’s allowed cuz “freedom of speech” I guess. Shrug.

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