Many people in our society still think that dating is the same thing as courtship but am going to tell everyone the difference between dating and courtship and what dating can lead to

in #love6 years ago (edited)

Good day everyone one steemit, today we are going to discuss so many things about dating and courtship, this two have similarity in meaning but are not the same definition,

what do you understand by dating?

Dating is the relationship between two people who share a common interests in each other, dating involves some stages, there is a time in humans existence when so many people date ,dating involves causal relationship or sometimes a boy can ask his friend if she would not mind if they should go out on a date. Dating also comprises of people engaging in relationships for the purpose of youthful lust or satisfying parademic pleasure .


While courtship on the other hand is a relationship between two matured people who really love their self and are ready for marriage, courtship involves mature readiness for marriage, through courtship a matured man and a woman knows if they are really ready for the life time experience they are about to engage in.

some difference between dating and courtship

Dating is just the easy way through which young people indulge in sexual relationship with out readiness to accept responsibilitywhile courtship is just an easy way to marriage through which matured men and women engaged in relationships relationship for the purpose of mutual understanding which will aid them during their years together.
Dating to some young people is the feelings of belonging to a group of their peers just to prove there big boyish and big girlishwhile courtship is done freely without any knowledge of feeling belong to any age grade .

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Disadvantages of dating (boys)

dating leads to lack interest in academic: Young people who engage in dating finds themselves lusting in their mind and thinking about the girl they are dating, this can make them divert their attention from their academics and can lower their range score in examination, people dating even though they are brilliant there will not be enough time to read because you will always be going out with your spouse and will not have enough time to read which will make you not to reach your limit.

sexually transmitted diseases : there be room for STD'S because boys especially who flirt around that is from one girl to another will eventually end up having sex with HIV patient.

Disadvantages of dating (girls)

Un wanted pregnancies girls are the most affected in this kind of relationship, first of all relationship will certainly lead to sex and if there is no protection (condom) you will get pregnant even if there is protection the condom may burst there by leading all semen into the reproductive track which will result to pregnancy

Dropping out from school: girls who engage I'm dating end up dropping out from school due to the unwanted pregnancy or AIDS

Death/lost of worm : this leads to pregnancy and pregnancy abortion, abortion is the process of removing a growing embryo from the womb ,during this process there is partial or complete damaging to the womb of the mother which can result to death or eternity damage of the womb.

Advantages of courtship

courtship provide natura understanding for both parties

courtship provide knowledge about the characters of both parties e•g knowing the level of his anger, how he controls it, his love for money and so many other things.

courtship helps to know a good marriage mate with reasonable characters.


Thanks regard @tegasweet


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