He loved her but did not marry her

in #love6 years ago (edited)

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He loved her but did not marry her

Show her meanings of love

After she never thought of love

Make them run behind the painted fantasies

Make her adore his liar

He persuaded her to love her

And that his life would end without her

Make them leave the world for him

To live with him a love story

The story of a bead painted in her imagination

A story full of love is the story of her heroes only

He told her he would never leave her

And she is the spirit that lives by him

she rejoiced in his deceitful words

She did not think of anything around her

She gave him her life and her world

she forgot all the principles that I learned

Make her walk with him in the way of love of perdition

Road kills his deceived owner

In the end he told her

You will not be my wife

I have married other

You are past and finished

Draw her the way of death with his lies

 In the end he killed her with arrows of his love in her heart

 احبها ولكن لم يتزوجها********اظهر لها معانى الحب

بعد ان كانت لا تفكر فى الحب ابدا*****جعلها تجرى وراء خيالات رسمها لها

جعلها تعشق كلامه الكذاب**************اقنعها بحبه لها 

وان حياته ستنتهى بدونها***************جعلها تترك العالم من اجله

لتعيش معه قصة حب***************قصة حبة رسمتها فى خيالها

قصة مليئة بالحب قصة هو وهى ابطالها فقط*****قال لها انه لن يتركها ابدا

وانها الروح الذى يحيا بها***************فرحت بكلامه المخادع

ولم تفكر فى اى شئ حولها**************سلمته حياتها وعالمها

نسيت كل مبادئها التى تعلمها*****جعلها تمشي معه فى طريق حب الهلاك

طريق يقتل صاحبه المخدوع*****************وفى النهاية قال لها

لن تصبحى زوجتى***************************فقد تزوجت غيرك

فأنتى اصبحتى ماضي وانتهى***********رسم لها طريق الموت بأكاذيبه

                     وفى النهاية قتلها بسهام من حبه فى قلبها 


That is true.Love is alawys still now in the world.love is life.
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