Love Words and Love Absurd- Poetry for the weekend! <3

in #love7 years ago

Love words! There is no better way to start the weekend than with a dose of love! <3


Our love is paradoxial
twisted seredipidy
days that pass
with speed
but are small eternities

It feels like I've
slept next to you

tick by

marked by your smile

falling away into comfort
shivering, held close to your shifts

playful claws and cruel kiss
contrast and contradictions

Loving you
has made me fearless


Reveling when the corners of your lips

beautiful in every

perfectly flawed
and flawlessly perfect.


Shallow little breaths
the sound of you drifting off
chaos falling away
skin pressed tight, so soft

holding onto you
as all the lights go dim
makes me feel more at home
than any place I've ever been

When I'm in your arms
I know no concept of fear
everything seems much calmer
when you pull me near

you are the peace that
I've been searching for.

As always thank you for reading and we hope you like what we brought to the blockchain today! Please leave your feedback in the comments! We love to hear it!!
Much love, @stitchybitch & @sammosk <3


Very nice, Impressive words. Nice post beautiful presented and explained. detail oriented with nice pics. thank you for sharing this with us, Upvoted

If you mind checking out my blog for latest posts and updats, @kingjan

Great Poem Sammo !!


Nice work!

Nice work!

Yess thank you for you! I can feel the actual unconditional love throughout this poem. I can truly tell there is a deep realization of what love is, compared to the "lust" that we often hear about in love's place. Beautiful poetry and thankful you shared it with us here on Steemit!

love will rule the world

You know what? I love this poem! :)

this is great , you just got me with it and i love it ..
good job

Words of love that touch deeply, penetrate the heart and soul, very moving words

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