My Story: Chapter 15: And On This Day, A Baby Is Born

in #love6 years ago (edited)


The day finally came!! I could not wait! I was finally going to meet my baby girl! My husband, his mom and I all get in the car and go to the hospital! Once there, they put me on all of the monitors, and set me up with an IV. My doctor comes in and breaks my water. They then give me the medication to induce me, and now I wait. I tell them I am going to try to go natural! My friend Brie, her mom, and her brother arrive after about an hour to be there for our daughters arrival!


Not even 10 minutes after being given the medication to induce me, I start to feel some minor contractions. I was having contractions every two minutes, and each one was worse than the one before. It got so bad, I started hitting the bed. My husband kept telling me that everything was going to be okay. For some reason, him saying that just made me mad. I yelled at him a few times, and even swung at him a few times. lol.


4 hours later, when I couldn't take the pain anymore, I begged for some epidural. It took 15 minutes to fill out the request form and 15 minutes for the pharmacy to send it up, so all in all 30 minutes. They came in with the epidural, and checked how dilated I was. My nurse told me I was 9 centimeters and I could push if I wanted too... I was in so much pain though, I couldn't even sit still. I was hitting the bed and rocking back and forth. I told her no, that I couldn't imagine any worse pain than where I was at right then... They then gave me my epidural. About 10 minutes after it was administered, my doctor came in ready to deliver my daughter! The process was difficult with the fact that I could still feel some of the pain due to the epidural being administered so late. After about 30 minutes, Our daughter was born!!!!


Born 6 pounds, 9 oz., 9 3/4 inches at 12:23pm!!!


She is the most beautiful baby! Right when they laid her on me, I forgot all of the pain I just went through. She is mine and Daddy's world!



Our Beautiful Baby Girl. We are happiest new parents!!! <3


The end... for now :)

Hey @dreemsteem, here is the next chapter!

More stories to come! Make sure you follow me, so you can read my next chapter blog!!! Hope you enjoyed!


How wonderful! CONGRATULATIONS to you! She is beautiful and so glad that you are okay, too! Thanks for coming into PYPT with us today! 😊


@thekittygirl Thank you so much!!! and you're very welcome!!!

Oh - this is wonderful!!! I really like how you laid the pictures out this time! :)

Next time we talk- i'll give you some options too - you'll have fun playing with pictures with different codes!

excited to be working with you!!! hehehe

P.S. that is one BEAUUUUUUUUUUUUTIFUL baby :)

Thank you so much! @dreemsteem I can't wait to learn!

let's try to talk tomorrow in discord :) leave me a message for a good time to look for you! :)

Awww she is just gorgeous!!! Lovely post - you are doing really well!!
@andysantics48 :)

Awww, she is Precious!

And a warm welcome to steemit to her momma.

Hiya Rachel. Just heard the pimp-your-post in the Steemit Ramble. What a beautiful family you have. Your story sounds intriguing. I'm sure to be having a read :)

Thank you so much! I hope that you enjoy! @anjkara

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