Letter of a girl in love

in #love6 years ago (edited)

Hurting someone is one of the things I most hate, I feel terrible the feeling of causing discomfort to anybody.
That's why in these last months, a big fear has struck me... Thinking in your pure and innocent heart, that has gone through so many things

My heart has also gone through a lot, it has been broken and recovered, it has become bigger and it has been judged.

I know the things that you have gone through, and I know the wellness, joy and love that I've caused you, just like you've transmitted me a feeling of love, passion, joy and peace that I haven't felt for a long time.

Our love is young, but significantly more mature than all the ones I lived before.

It is full of sweet, romantic, new, naughty and passionate moments, and all those that still we've to live because we still young.

I am afraid ... To hurt you as I accidentally hurt others, to break your heart and make you believe that you aren't worth it when the truth is that you are worth gold, and that you think the worst of me.

Relationships are full of happy and sad, dry and passionate, exciting and everyday moments, but it's fed by everything we decide to live together, what we feel for the other and what we decide to do for the welfare of the other.

I admit that I fell in love with you without wanting to, without planning it, without thinking about it, I just let myself be carried away by my feelings that were getting stronger and stronger, without knowing that you just went through the same thing months ago.

For the first time I had to face the public derision when I unintentionally hurt without wanting to, because it was the only way to feel free and calm. But that left a mark. Now that I love you and I'm by your side, I am afraid of hurting you and make you think bad of me.

It fills me with happiness when I see you smiling of love every time I look at you, of passion every time I kiss you and of fear every time I think too much.

Forgive me, I'm a sentimental girl who likes to do everything that's possible for the welfare of the other. I don't like to cry, but sometimes I have to do it, because if not, I'll drown in my own feelings.

You are the light that illuminated me for a long time, my first thought when I woke up and the last one when I lay down, your presence is what I most desire every day, your kisses my biggest drug.

Thank you for coming to my life by inspiring me and opening my eyes to a reality that I refused to accept, for helping me to grow in such a short time, for giving me greater hope that everything will be ok in the future.

We will face difficult things from this point, to all kinds of situations. I only hope that when those days come, when one of us can't hold the tears, we stay together to support the other, to clean our faces, and with bright eyes, we tell us that we love each other and that in the end everything worth it.


This photo was taken by me.

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